Friday, February 13, 2015

February Friday 13

Yesterday  at the clinic I made some Valentine card for my family: For Simona the big pink one, one each  for our two kids.

Afterward as  it was a Thursday I prepared my grocery shopping list for Saturday and I went to the 24 fitness gym to have a lot of fun.

I was time for Zumba with Honey, she is  here at my right hand side.

Honey mentioned that her daughter Ararai is fine. She is busy with school.

I then started doing U Jam with Naomi and at 7 pm it was time to leave.

Yesterday Merari has been shuttling me back and forth as a subtle reminder of my condition as right now I am not allowed to go by myself.. I have accepted this fact and it is best this way as nobody walks here in Bakersfield and as I am not allowed to drive.. here we go.

Before going to the gym I spoke with Lapo our youngest son and he was at home eating and speaking Spanish with Marina our nanny.

 The fact is that Lapo has been spending so much time with Marina that he is now speaking to her in Spanish. Marina for Lapo is like a second mother.

Marina has been with us since Simona came back from Bolder and Lapo was merely 6 moth old. Lapo was born in Boulder were Simona was doing her post doc at NCAR

The bond between Marina, Lapo and Simona is  deep and Marina is a trusted person that belongs rightly so to our family. She is actually a nanny that helps my wife with the house (more than  a house keeping person) and with the boys.

This morning I have collected two more Pine cones for our kddos

At the Enrichment center where I am working now I have been helping preparing taco salad.
Amanda has been orchestrating everything and as a first things this morning we have been preparing the tacos.

 I am better checking out what is the situation in the kitchen.

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