Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday February 23 church posting

Yesterday evening I came back to CNS on time for Church. I am going to S.Francis in H street.
It is always an uplifting experience for me going to church. I like it very much hence I am happy for being able to get there on time.

On my way out I have snapped this picture of the Mary with a rose on her hands.

It is a very deferential picture taken outside the church as inside I do not feel comfortable pulling out my phone. For me it is respecting the holiness of this place. I guess you understand and share my feeling on this matter.

Well going back to my weekend, again thank you Simona, Anna and our two sons. Thank you for being you and for making sure I am always finding my way back to you.

With Simona my wife on the way back we talked about my feeling. I was sharing with her that whenever I am going around LA I notice people watching me in a funny way. She mentioned that she understands it very well as it is me walking in a funny way. I do not bend that much my legs. It is far better that I used to do. Simona mentioned that it is fine, the key for me is to keep walking and  and maintaining a large base so that my equilibrium is guaranteed.
I need to go to attend the cooking club.

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