Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday February 17

Over the weekend I have been doing really a lot of good items.

On Friday I went to the gym for Zumba with Honey, she is the lady at my right hand side.
Her daughter Ararai is doing great and busy with school

Before leaving I snapped a funny picture with Frank the manager.

On Saturday  it was Valentine day I first of all took care of the apartment and then did my grocery shopping at  Trader Joe's.

Over there I greeted Kanvas

and Cloei

I found everything on my list and spent $90.85.
I have also brought back my bags and entered Simona's number for the raffle.
Finally I have got stickers for everybody to distribute around the community.

Later I have been going to the movie.  The movie on Saturday evening was the Kingsman with Colin Firth,

This is the banner

This is the Valentine

This is Morgana at the Maya Theater.

This is the letter I have been writing to my family. I am always initiating writing to my family as it makes me feel well.

On Sunday I have been taking care of my cooking and writing even more letter to my family afterward I have been going to church.
Over there I sat down with Coral and her family and shared the church experience.

On Monday President Day the clinic was closed so I spent time cooking, writing to my family and reading.
In the afternoon I went to the gym as it was my Yoga evening with Erica

I need to go..

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