Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thursday Feb 26 post lunch entry

It is a wonderful Thursday in Bakersfield. Spring time is around the corner as the local trees are blossoming. As usual I had my lunch outside breathing some refresh air.. and as usual turning my back at everybody.. I like it this way..

I had a wonderful rice with summer-squash  that I made yesterday.

I par it with a healthy salad with Chia Seed, spinach, avocado and carrot.

As I have not finished the rise I will be using today.

I am planning to prepare staffed green bell peppers.

This is the plan of action:

Preheat the oven at 450F

- two green bell peppers
-  mix the summer quash risotto with ground turkey beef
- add some spices and some bread crumble.
-  add a couple of eggs
-mix everything and add some spices

Let the mix rest for a few minutes

Cut in half the green bell peppers

Fill the peppers with the mix.

Have a pan ready and  make sure to use coconut oil.

Bake it for 40 minutes.
Finally for the last 10 minutes turn the oven to broil to make sure the peppers are browned.

Enjoy ..

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