Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday February 27th 2015

Yesterday evening I came back from therapy and I  made staffed peppers. I had some summer squash risotto leftover and  added it  to the ground turkey and bread crumbs.

Then I combined it with a  couple of eggs to provide the gluing protein.
I adjusted salt, pepper and spices and carefully mixed.

I cut the green pepper vertically in halves and filled them with the moist ground turkey.

While preparing the filling, two  pans were put in the oven with coconut oil to provide some temperature resistant good oil.- Coconut Oil is good for high temperature cooking.

As I had more filling left over I have been using it on a separate pan and it cooled by itself. Hence in the picture above you see the bell pepper's pan in the forefront and the second one in the background with some filling alone. I have not decided yet how I am going to use it. I will find a creative way during the weekend.

I set the oven at 350F for 40 minutes and finally use the broil for the last 10 minutes.

While the dinner was cooking I have been writing a good letter to my kid, last night they were at Taekwon-do class. Writing to my kiddos is good for my small movement precision and hence is a form of  home therapy that I am doing greatly at the apartment by myself. 

Controlling the small movement precision is something that helps my recovery. Hence I have started to pay attention to my writing as well.

This letter says at the end: " I am happy you kiddos are doing all your very best"

Finally  I went to the 24 fitness gym as it was my Zumba night with Mike.

As usual at the gym I had an uninvited guest in the form of patient EC.

Before leaving as usual I greeted Kaia here at my right hand side. 

My point to you CNS is that at the gym I like to go by myself... no patients please only -forceful- NRS Staff.  Right now I am a handicapped and unable to be left at the gym by myself. I am using the world handicapped as CNS keeps parking on the handicapped reserved spot which is reserved when using this sign. 

You see CNS you really have to understand that I like to be left alone by myself... this includes my gym time and it includes everything else.

At the gym I met Jessica who works at CNS.. you see I don't mind her as she is an NRS working at CNS but please spare me the patients and particularly spare me patience EC as well.

Yesterday as usually I went to bed and slept alone .. as I have been sleeping alone for the past 4 years...

I wake up early as usual and greeted Brian at the reception by phone. He is always a good person to talk to and he is always so full of energy.

I then got ready for my morning and had a good breakfast. 
I have started eating  in the morning some Ghee (Clarified butter) with my bread and honey.

You see it is a clearly better product that the butter itself.

A I was early as usual I cleaned by hand everything in the apartment. Using my hands is also good for my recovery process it helps my brain to feel and to coordinate my hand eyes gestures again.
So I am washing happily by hand as much as I can.
Clearly NPR radio is always filling my time whatever I am doing.

I  do not watch any TV but I am an avid listener of NPR radio.

While on our way to the old clinic we were all in the bus and of course as it happens we all got stuck next to a bank as a NRS had to get to this place.

You see this is a wonderful service where patients come first .. obviously this is yet another example of the wonderful service of CNS.

Apparently nobody in the bus was surprised clearly they all have accepted the fact of being held hostage by CNS.. the only person that looks forward to get the hell out of it is Dr. Rossi.

Anyway this morning Dr. Rossi called his wife Professor Simona Bordoni who told him the kiddos were already at school.

You see the key in life is to be married to a person that can take care of the house while Dr. Rossi is held hostage at CNS, Bakersfield. 

Dr Rossi is clearly way bored and tired of being held hostage at CNS.. 
By the way does CNS have any hostage negotiator that can be used? It is a rhetorical question as it is clearly such a high level function that in this environment is not provided.

Enjoy the reading as Dr. Rossi has been enjoying writing to you all.
I hope you find the story very instructive.


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