Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thursday Feb 12

This is a cat.. strange as I am rather become a dog at CNS.. a dog that is not even able to bark or feeling any emotions for the lack of other dogs..

I liked the cat company over my lonely lunch break. I normally eat my lunch outside alone away from the other patients of CNS as I like it this way.

As Steve Job used to say: Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels.The trouble-makers. 

Anyway... Yesterday I went to the gym as usual as it was Wednesday.
As there were no bike available I did nevertheless some other exercises.

Before leaving Angie stopped by to say hi  and  to take a picture with me. She smiled at me  looked into  my eyes and we exchanged a high five.

She is always stopping by to look at my eyes.
It is our ritual of every Wednesday. Then we snap a picture together. 

After the cycle I  had body pump with Sylvia.  At body pump I met the usual people at the gm I have become acquainted with. Going all the way to say they are my friends it is too much of a stretch of imagination, nevertheless I suppose we appreciate each other presence.

At 7pm Meari took me back to the apartment as I am allowed to stay at the gym until 7pm. 

At the gym I met Ozzy who used to work here at CNS. He is a nice a polite person.

Before leaving I snapped this picture with Kaia and with my water bottle. She is used having me taking picture of her. 

I like the gym as It is a normal environment away from the boys at CNS.. away from the reality  of this rehabilitation center.

I will never be adjusted about this place.. apparently it provides jobs in California.

And much needed job for an unskilled work force is what one needs to get the local market going.

The old clinic here around is really old. The building shows its age yet  the computers around are somehow recent ones. I guess it does not cost much to buy a PC nowadays.. even wide HD displays  are readily available.

I personally believe that a few more Macs machines would be great.

Today on the bus a staff has been impolite with me..her name goes Koletta.
And I promptly pointed her she should be using better behaviour and better attitude. In response she told me back "Keep reading" as I was reading my book "innovator' by Walter Isaacson..

As this book is frankly more interesting that taking to this insignificant person I read a few more pages. Nevertheless it  was duly noted and I am reporting it today on my blog.. surely confident that CNS will take appropriate actions.

I have asked my conservator - i.e.  my wife  to sent me a few more  long sleeve T-shirts.
Normally the way it works is that I am sending an email to her and she is sending me an acknowledgement back by sending me the Amazon order. 

Clean and simple yet very low profile.

Our kids have adjusted to the on going situation.

Chicco is the  one playing with the phone is 9 years old. Lapo the one eating a doughnut is 5.5 years old.

The boys are leaving a calm and busy life absorbed with their activities and with their friends.

My family in Italy is doing well. My brother is working with my wife Simona. They are trying  to resolve some pressing short terms family issues. In the meanwhile my mom Marta is recovering as she had a few stitches applied to her tooth by a dentist. She has  got some dental work done at her mouth.


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