Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Tuesday February 3rd 2015

Yesterday  I received brand new skiing pants from Simona. In fact I am going on a sky trip on Mid March. So I am getting ready well ahead of time.

The pants fitted really well as these pictures are showing... I am modelling with my latest gift from Simona.

After seeing these pictures Simona confirmed that she got the right size for me. I will keep it with me. Simona mentioned to me many time that I can exchange the items she is sending me provided that I am not removing the tags that are attached.

As I am planning to exchange the pants, and Simona has given me her blessing I can go ahead and remove the tag.

After sweating a bit as I have been trying the skying attire,  In evening I went to the gym to work out. As Yoga had been cancelled I  have been walking on the treadmill.

While over there I met Riina and another person who recognized me from my Zumba class.
On my way out I met Larry and Janice, the two persons on the pictures here below.
They are two good friends of mine always ready to cheer me up.

This is Larry 

And this is Janice (Larry's wife)

At the gym I went with Megan who did my coverage. Afterward we went strait back at the apartment as it was time for me to get ready for bed time:

In the order I have a soothing shower meds and a snack in the form of a wonderful Piadina.

Finally it was time for me to go bed. I slept really well and relaxed.

This morning I was up  at 6:30 am. 

The fact is that I am not able to sleep past that time... my body is used to get up early in the morning.
So I had time to get ready for my day.

I did all my personal staff, get my coffee and my meds.
This is my wonderful and peaceful breakfast..very balanced in carb, protein and lipid

I cleaned everything out by hand (let's save some water) and let it dry in the dishwasher.
As usual Doug made sure to make me find a bag of trash to trough in the morning.
This allows me to get out from the apartment, doing a bunch of steps downward and upward while carrying a light weight. It is all good for my balance.

 walked to the location of the maintenance crew.. I greeted Brad, Jarron and James and they all greeted me warmly. After this Brad  snapped this picture of me with the new treadmill. 
I mentioned them that it was a nice present for me  but I have already treadmills at the gym where I am going. Hence I have declined the present and they were OK with it.

We all had a good time and moved on to the next task of the day.
In fact I had to take the 9:30 am bus to the AAC where I am writing you from.

Lately it has been a rough ride. I have been having a lot of issues with my family back in Italy... nothing unexpected but I know that Simona my wife is trying to stay on the top of it.

The fact is that while Simona and her relatives have been taking care of our family both emotionally and with economical support, my own family back in my home town has been bickering and making sure to create many obstruction along the way for my family in US.

This is a picture of the Adige river as see from the walking promenade.

I know Simona has been doing her best and she is doing her best for making sure that our kids are protected.. you see the whole name of the game here is to make sure our kiddos are coming out protected on their interest.

And I have to reiterate with a bit of sadness and resignation that the fault is mine for expecting my own family in Italy to think above all our kiddos.

I am saying it is my fault as there have been many instances in the near past of them showing their true color.

Well I am trusting Simona my wife and together we will make sure to sort this mess out.
The key is to rely on each other as  we have been doing for the past several years.

Already time to work on some meditation..

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