Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wednesday Feb 11

yesterday I went to the gym to do Turbo-jam  I have enjoyed my workout with Noemi as Johnny was not available. Despite my early wake up for my blood drawn I had energy to work out and to enjoy my time.

This is the Southwest location on Gosford quite close to the apartment.

After Turbo-jam it  was Zumba time with Mike and I have been enjoying dancing there.

At the gym I greeted Debbie, Jenna- she is always very kind with me as we talked about our own family.
I met  Riina and many other people  that I and acquainted with.

Before leaving  I have greeted Keila here pictured at my left hand side.
She is always happy to see me over there.

Diego did my coverage by taking me back and forth to the gym. 

I am allowed to stay  until 7pm.
At that time my time is up and I am always getting ready to go back to the apartment. Diego drove me back to the apartment.

Before leaving I also greeted Marlene who works at CNS as an overnight. She looks much better and she is getting adjusted to her hours.

A nice evening shower, a light snack and my meds (Divalproex, Melatonine and Trazodone)  were next. Finally I went to bed.

Yesterday in my apartment I had a  water paddle being created next to the bottom drawer of my refrigerator.

I  asked Simona to get involved and by her assistance we were able to have maintenance to come today and to fix the leak. Of course Renee my RTC has been informed of the on-going situation.

This morning I went to the maintenance crew, presented James the situation and the exchange of email among all the interested parties then Caesar came to my apartment, he emptied the bottom drawer from the formed iced, tightened a couple of screws at the bottom of the fridge. And hopefully this is fixing the leak.

Before leaving he mentioned that I should ask Renee for a parking spot reserved on his name.
I will let Renee decide on this matter.

After  all this morning occurrence  I did my own breakfast.. by lessening to NPR.

I had a good balanced morning meal: protein, carbs and fat.

I keep track of my meal by using my Iphone apps that gives me the breakdown of all I am eating.
It is a nice useful little software that I have been using for the past few months.

I took my morning pills: Divalproex and a bunch of vitamin.. as I am not eating enough vitamin during my daily meal...  as here is not enough vitamin D on my milk  nor vitamin C on my daily meal..

You see I like any Apple device and particularly the Apple philosophy of approaching the electronic world.

It is a nice company to be able to support. My wife Simona and I are  big supporter of the Apple environment, hence in our family we are all using Macs and I phone.

I personally see the Computer world to be dominated by Apple and rightly so,  Windows systems are cheaper but clunkier when compared to the Apple environment. Windows computer are far behind and rest on a baseline that has been created by its own dominance position.

I have to say that if it were up to me, I would be preferring  Apple based systems rather than Windows based computer.

I is a matter of making the right choices ... don't you agree?

Enjoy the day... 

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