Thursday, April 30, 2015

Lunch April 30

As usual a great lunch under the patio.
The weather is really warm and pleasant.

My lunch: Protein (filet Mignon), summer squash risotto (thank you Anna)
A mandarin and finally coffee.

Finally a good coffee and at the end I carefully brushed my teeth. Brushing, flossing and mouth washer.. so now I have a clear and fresh breath.

I like my new routine: coffee is before brushing: it is also more logical as a succession of steps.

I called home as usual Lapo was eating with Anna my wonderful mother in law.
I called Simona and as she was busy I left her a calming phone message.. I am repeating here: don't worry mon amour I am fine and dandy.

Today Jolanta B here at the Enrichment Center mentioned that my case as officially transitioned to her as Sarah G. my former Case Manager is on leave.
She will send soon a letter to Simona. It is OK, we are all well here in Bakersfield.

Enjoy,, A bit of CR next

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