Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tuesday July 1

I need to back a bit to yesterday. I went to the gym to do kickboxing with Christie. We went with Britney and Chris.
Over there I greeted, Carlos and Lydian, they both work at the reception.

I met my usual friends, among them I  said hi to Janice, his wife Larry and  Drasdee . They are all good friends of mine. Larry was kidding with me as he was looking amused at me saying I have to many girls floating around me. Larry is always kidding with me about everything.

This morning  I had new medications in my closet  as it is the first day of the month.

I need to spend some time to rearrange my medications and make a few note on my medication sheets to get back on track.

I started my day by watering  my plant as I am always  watering my love for Simona -my wife.

 I then  had a very good breakfast: With my family picture in front of me.

I am here showing that I am waking up in a good mood, ready for the day.

I worked at the clinic on my CR activities. I made a nice Table of the past few days showing to Erika-sama that I am plateauing at  62% and 14 sec speed. I think the speed should be higher. Anyway this my best for the last few days.

At the clinic today I did Yoga with Tina. Tina is now in Shaver Lake.

Simona my wife has arrived in Rome, Italy with our two kids. The kids will stay in Rome with Simona's mom enjoying a bit of summer time at the beach. Simona is going to a conference in France while the kids are going to stay in Rome. They all be gone for the summer. It is OK as they all are busy in Europe.

Alright I made a table of my progress for CR. The table reads as following

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