Monday, March 2, 2015

Monday March 2 morning

Already as usual on Friday I went to the gym and had my Zumba dance with Honey.. her daughter Ararai is fine (thank you for asking)

On Saturday as usual I took care of the apartment and then went to my Grocery shopping place

This is Monica


For Michael $74.75 and for Simona and extra $20. Grand total at a cool $94.75
For Simona tickets for the raffle.
No stickers are is was all out.

I then wrote a letter to Anna,  Simona's mother in law and sent it  at home in La Canada, California as she is was about to leave.

In addition I have been writing to my sons  a good and encouraging letter in English and block letters.

On Saturday afternoon I have been going to catch the movie Focus

It is an OK movie .. funny and smart at the time.

Never loose Focus..

At the theater I greeted Ignez who was glad to pose for a picture for me.

Here is my comment afterward:

"movie outing fine, waiting  outside for everybody else priceless.
For everything else there is CNS.. You can always count on it.
But you need to get a reason to get on board as  this  is a true  5 stars vacation resort." 

Over the weekend I have been cleaning around and found that Lapo our little son forgot to bring back with him  his flute. I have found it in my apartment and let Simona know about its whereabouts.

Over the weekend Renne came back from Luisiana.
She remembered to bring me back a gator for Lapo. I know he was looking forward for this though full present,
Hence the family is happy. 

On Sunday I have been cleaning carefully the whole apartment. Kitchen, my room my restroom. 
I like to have a nice and clean apartment. This is my house and I like to keep it clean.

I don't have any other place to go right now.. hence I have adjusted to the apartment and to keep it as clean as possible.

I have been doing recycle as well so that it is all done, it came out at $2.07. I don't do it for the money I do it because it is good for the environment. In fact I am recycling as much as possible.

On Sunday I went as well to the gym 

Finally to church.
I need to go 

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