Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April 1st 2015 Luminosity and Hell

Today is my younger son birthday, he is six years old.

So happy birthday to you Lapo.
You have been alone for most part of your life.
You are used to it as I am used to be by myself for most part of my day.

During the night I do not have bad dreams, however during my day I see a lot of Zombies around this place.

Hence we understand each other.

Yesterday first of all I jumped across the gate, I can not stand any longer to be stranded in this place..

Nor to be confined among the pseudo normal people of the CNS..

Yesterday after the so called Therapy.. 
I jumped out from this hospital.. it is called an evasion and a statement that I can not take it any longer. I am planning to keep jumping the gate anytime I have the opportunity.

If God where lessening .. obviously he is not.. he would allow me to escape for good..

Obviously He is too busy to look down this place which has become hell on earth..

CNS you are my HELL.. 

Let go back to yesterday night, here is my comment to you (Verbatim)

Thank you for waking me up in the middle of the night, I really really appreciate it. Jose the night supervisor was so gracious to enter the CNS apartment to make all noise and to pretend he is on control.

In fact I have selected the present  hotel based on this very unique and attractive feature.

Would anybody come to this apartment of yours for a small party?

Yes.. In fact my house is not really the current hotel. I am just vacationing  in this beautiful countryside.

This in fact must be a five stars hotel...

However today I am searching for the
The fifth one ..

Have you seen it in the sky? It must have fallen down to earth.

By the way is this wake up included in the price of your room or it is an amenity of this hotel?

Hence .." Being   waken up in the middle of the night by The night supervisor priceless for everything else there is MasterCard" ..

May I pay  you with a check please?

I  have complained to CNS of course .. for what it is worth .. it is obviously up to you CNS to show who is on control.
At some point of my day I went to the gym.. she is Suzy a real person far from the nightmare of CNS..

I am frankly appalled by CNS policy of mixing me with These ... these.. these..

They are not human, they lost their right to be human a long time ago,, 

Everybody has its own quirk, at CNS.. the hospital is frankly overcrowded and undeserved..

In my opinion there is not enough space for you to do a decent job..

Your quality index is really falling down and Dr. Mark Ashley has to face reality.
If he can not handle it .. he has to face reality so that he has to start turning away nightmares and face reality.. 

You guys right now are really doing a poor job..

You like to play GOD? But if GOD were witnessing what you can up with He would appalled and hopefully would be destroy this place as He destroyed the Temple..

CNS ... one day you should try to experience the emotional  feeling of being trapped at CNS..

Dr.Giuseppe Rossi

It is obviously a place that is a hell in place...

Enjoy the reading and please be aware of the existence of this wonderful place..
Nice Birthday Lapo.. I am sure you don not know what you are missing obviously.

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