Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thursday April 30

Yesterday it was a Wednesday and as usual I went to the gym.

As I will be home this weekend for my son Confirmation I did not sign for the movie outing.

At the gym It was my cycle day. As Angie was not available Pete took over. Pete is the guy at my right hand side.

After cycle it was time for body pump with Sylvia. I stayed light and did not strain myself. And in fact this morning I am perfectly fine.
At the gym Christina did my coverage.

I had a lot of fun as usual. Before leaving I snapped a picture with Charity here pictured at my right hand side. I am realizing that I have to work on my stomach.. well it is what it is.. 

Before going to bed I had a snack, a yummy piadina to keep my metabolism going.
At the gym Silvia is saying that we keep burning calories even when we sleep.
So to make sure that I had calories to burn I  had a good piadina snack.

I washed all my dishes cleaned the kitchen and went to bed.

Soon is going to be Cinquo de Maio. It is a celebration of the Mexican culture. It celebrates the unlikely winning of the Mexican force over the French force. 

When I was in Grenoble, France at ESRF there was a strong Spanish community and it got into the habit of celebrating Cinquo de Mayo.There was a well organized barbecue and a large gathering of people looking forward to spend a nice and relaxing day together.

This is my healthy breakfast.. this morning.

I started my day by letting Simona my wife know that I am fine and dandy and in case I need something I have my Mastercard.. when we talked this morning she laughed with me and she mentioned that Renee currently is the older of the Mastercard.

This morning Luis snapped this picture of me kidding. He knows me and was kind enough to play the game with me.

As I needed to get a couple of sponges for my kitchen I went ahead and got them from James. And again he was kind enough to snap this picture of me, saying Sponge Bob Square Pans!

We are always having a good time together..

This is Sponge Bob Square Pans.,

James  mentioned that with all the stories I am inventing for him I will soon be able to write a book.. he put it down in a bit different and entertaining way.. but the essence of its sentence is the above one.

Our kids are already at school, as always I contacted Simona by phone while she was drinking her Starbucks. 

This is the little routing of ours, She first take the kiddos to school and then at about 9 am I get in touch with her while she seeps her drink.

Our kiddos are going to La Canada Elementary School. Chicco is in IV grade while Lapo is in Kindergarten. They are really good and responsible kiddos.

Their school is a good public school as La Canada has very good public school district.

There are also many really good private schools over there, obviously in such a rich county there are many people that have a lot of money.

At the Enrichment Center today I have been reading the news: in particular there is an interesting  news about a cutting-edge technology that is being developed in Kern County.

Enjoy the reading.. Soon it is lunch time.
Thank you Mon amour..
Baci :)


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