Thursday, April 2, 2015

April 2 2015 post lunch

A quick byte outside alone as I like to be .. immerse in the nature and away from the cacophony of this room.

Today it is a beautiful sunny day outside..

While I am eating outside I am thinking about this little sentence

May I be free from stress and oppression.. May I be happy and wish everybody well, even the ones that I do not understand..

I have learnt during our Monday Mediation with Matt.
It is very useful tool to get along focusing on your breath and hence focusing on your own inner self, immersing on your own world while cutting off all the rest.

Very very useful indeed.

I like to practice it as much as I am constantly immerse into a never ending cacophony .. it is clearly a good tool that I can use to float above the water.

Mediation is like a floating cushion, you can use it whenever you feel drowning into too much environmental cacophony.

Well over lunch I have called as usual home and got to talk to Lapo our little one.
He had chicken and pasta.
Lapo is a survivor as well he has been surviving by himself for many years. He is used to be alone like me and we are used to this little steady state routine. I am calling him at home, I tell him what I am having for lunch and then he tells me his part of the daily meal. Finally I inquire on the afternoon activities just to make sure we are on the same page. Today Lapo confirmed he has Taekwon-do with his brother Chicco. The boys are constantly busy..

I called my wife at the university to tell the truth I had not a single hope to get on the line and in fact I had her voice mail. It simple when you have a voice mail and you do not want to make yourself available.
You see there are some fact to resolve among the two of us.. pecunia..
As they say "pecunia non olet" if you would like to learn Latin this is your chance..
For all the rest there is Master Card..
Enjoy the reading.

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