Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wednesday April 29

I cooked eggplant yesterday: slices first and then grilled on the pan. Finally let it soak with Olive Oil, basil and garlic powder. A couple of day of marinating to acquire a  nice and  flavorful taste .

I have also been cooking summer squash risotto.

I was late for my gym time so as I was cleaning up Alexis came to my apartment and waited for me to be ready (# Alexis)

Finally it was time for me to go to the gym  to do boot camp with Ellie, here at my left hand side (the woman in yellow)

Afterward I started doing Zumba with Mike and at 7pm it was time for us to leave to go back to the apartment.
Alexis has been  providing an excellent coverage.. very patient and very helpful.

As they say Alexis #.
Alexis was very kind with me and very patient. I mentioned to her she has been providing an excellent service.
Later I went back to the apartment, and started my shut down procedure:
shower, snack and meds.

The evening snack is a piadina with mortadella and chevre fromage cheese.
A yummy snack, well balanced in flavor and really fulfilling.

I am eating quite healthy right now my weight is $190 lb!.
Well it is what it is..

This morning I wake up early as usual at 6:30am. Compared to my wife sleeping I am doing well.

Quite often she wakes up at 5am and  goes to bed early in the morning at 1am.
She has to do this in order to get ready for her working day as Assistant Professor of Atmospheric Science at Caltech . Simona is a real force of nature and she is trying to do her best by keeping our family united and healthy. 

Anyway my morning breakfast has been very balanced in vitamin, carbs and fiber.
Milk, blueberry, blueberry kefir, Oatmeal, Blueberry flakes with milk.
Finally a bit of cottage cheese and coffee. The whole with a nice setting as I like to have a nice setting at home.

As usual I have been trowing the trash (thank you CNS) greeted Daisy - I am not confusing her with a different flowers (she smiles as she knows I am kidding with her).

As usual I went by the maintenance team to kid with them.

I greeted Jarron and kidded with Lupe the lady that  clean my apartment.
I am trying to keep my apartment as clean as possible so that Lupe does not have to do much,, only the window's glass.

This is a mice picture, that shows my screws have been fixed for today..:)

Simona took the kiddos to school as usual then afterward she got her coffee at Starbucks where I  typically find her.

She mentioned that today Chicco (our eldest) is at home at 3pm. 
He has Tennis practice  between 3-4pm
I brought stickers to Belinda for her daughter and for Starla's daughter. 

Belinda appreciated the stickers and she mentioned her daughter stick it to her face to have fun.
Whatever works.. it is good for me.

This morning at CNS my weight was taken together with my vital.
I am at 190lb. Both temperature and blood pressure are OK.
Well Enjoy the reading..

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