Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thursday April 23

Yesterday once back from the apartment I  did some cooking. Green beans and breaded chicken tender. This latest recipe is from my mother in law Anna.

I the went to the 24 fitness gym. 
It was my cycle day. Angie is my instructor. She is goofing with me at my right hand side.

She told me that her youngest son had her first job as a life guard.

After cycle I did also body pump with Silvia.

At 7pm it was finally time for me to go back home at the apartment.
Before leaving I greeted Erica her pictured smiling at me and making the V sign as Victory. 

This morning I had  a very healthy breakfast.. cleaned my dishes and then at 9:30 went to transportation as I had a medical appointment. 

I went to Dr. Madrilejo my Endocrinologist at the Centennial Medical Group.

In a nutshell:
Weight is 191lb

- igf1 118 (normal 120-230)
- thyroid is OK
- THS is 1.7 normal.

I need to repeat the test on July the 23th (my brother Francesco birthday).

Once my igf1 gets stable we need to check once in a while.

Too much a high value of the igf1 shows that something is wrong in the body.
I guess it is good having the igf1 in the low range of the scale.

I came back to the AAC with Mary and had my lunch outside.

The day was really beautiful, hence as usual I am having my lunch under the patio breathing some clean and fresh air.
I like it that way. 

Lunch: breaded chicken tender (recipe from Anna).
Tostadas and a healthy salad with avocado, Chia Seeds and tomatoes.
Finally as a desert I had a fruit salad with strawberry, lemon juice and a tad of raw sugar.
I like to eat healthy and I like to cook by myself.
I have the whole apartment available to cook and I fully independent in cooking, cleaning the related mess and organizing my grocery list.

I like it that way, I guess you are with me on this last point.

A lot of good pointers came from Anna my mother in law who is very skillful in the art of cooking.
Simona my wife is also doing her best in giving me pointers I can use for my cooking activities.
The duo is clearly making sure that I am more a more independent and that I figure out always something to do that pleases my tummy.
Enjoy the reading

By the way Tami is back from Las Vegas and she forgot to bring us back some present as she left it at her hotel (It is cool I asked her .. just joking of course)

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