Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Wednesday April 8 message in the bottle

I remember that Lester my CEO gave me a nice message with the laptop he sent to me.

Yesterday I woke up remember it and snapped a picture of it, before putting it back on its place.

The message is : Giuseppe don't sweat the small staff.. in the big picture things are fine.

I am posting this little Easter egg from Les as he is always looking over me together with my family and I should say all CNS personnel.

Yesterday evening I cooked a very good dinner (Cod fillet with a healthy salad with tortellini)

After my early dinner I called home.
Chicco and Lapo were at home waiting for their piano lesson with Liz.
The boys are very well versed in music, Chicco is now 9 and plays by himself the piano very well. 
Lapo is 6 and follows his brother in everything. He has started playing with two hands has well. Before he was playing with a finger at the time. 
Right now he is becoming more and more proficient.

After dinner I went to my gym ( it is my PT time).
It was time for bootcamp with Ellie. She is the lady at my left hand side of this picture.

Gaby took me to the gym and afterward she drove me back at the apartment.
She was to cordial and she really has been doing a good job.
Afterward I got my evening toilette and got ready for bed after a light  snack.

I also  received a post card from my sister Isabella. It is from Tarifa, Spain where she is doing windsurf.
She owns a small house over there so she can go in Spain from Germany whenever her business  allows. In Germany she is the principal of a medium size company that she built by herself over time.
The company deals with fashion clothing. 

This morning I had a good breakfast : Kefir, blueberry, milk, Oatmeal. Finally honey and peanut butter on two slides of rye breads. Also don't forget the coffee.. it is an essential part of my day.

Finally I went to bag James at the maintenance department, I greeted and mentioned I was embarking to go to the moon. We laughed and mentioned that I will be fine over there, as it is a very peaceful place..
Finally as he had a TV set available we snapped this picture of me and he advised to watch less TV...
The true is that I do not watch any TV at all, I am naturally carbonated person with a lot of imagination and fantasy available.. He knows it and I am accepting and appreciating his good spirit with me.

Anyway I am posting this morning's picture as I think it is amusing.. 

Well enjoy your reading..
Thank you Amanda, Simona, Les,  and everybody else..
Also James you are always being able to find something creative for me to do.

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