Monday, April 20, 2015

April Monday 20 2014

Already, I am writing from the AAC on a warm day in Bakersfield. Today it is so warm that I am wearing my red shorts. Take advantage of the hot weather as it the papers said that it toward the end of the week we might have some rain.

Simona came back from New Heaven (Yale University)

On Friday I went to the gym. I did Zumba Toning. Honey is my instructor at my left hand side.
It was her last day. So farewell Honey and all the best to you.

Before leaving the gym I snapped a picture with Melissa, she is the smiling woman at my right hand side.

On Saturday I did clean the whole apartment and I  am pasting and copying my email:

I forgot to mention that this morning as usual I have changed my beds, then washed all my clothes and linen. I have also washed the towel and the bathrobe. I have cleaned the bathroom and the kitchen, I did clean all the surfaces. As such I collected a few coloring items from the apartment and brought it at the reception, finally I bagged the couple of puzzles I had in the apartment.

The table toys - monopoly etc-are still here as the boys like to play with that.
Baci mon  amour and welcome back home from Yale university.
Next is a letter for the boys.. In English and block letters as usual.

Over the weekend, I wrote as usual to my family. I wrote to my kiddos, and to Simona. I made a small drawing for Lapo. As he uses a scooter to play around the house I thought it was good for me to make him a drawing for him.

I sent my writing on Saturday

Chicco and Lapo went to play tennis. Chicco had his new Racket (he got it as a present for his First Communion) and Lapo had Chicco's racket to play with.

On Saturday I did Grocery shopping at my favorite store. As I was there on Monday I had a few items to buy.

Fresh fruits,veggy and some minor items

My bill  was $63.88. As usual I had a bunch of stickers, and as I brought back my reusable brown bags  I got a ticket for the raffle for Simona.

I snapped a nice picture with Ashley.. she is the smiling lady at my right hand side.

For lunch I had filetto and gnocchi with Basil and olive oil.

On Saturday evening after grocery shopping and cleaning the whole apartment I went  to the movie theater (Maya) to catch a very funny movie. Paul Blart 2 is a very funny movie about Las Vegas casinos, Paul Blart character (the guy with the mustache) is a security guard involved with a gang stealing work of arts from Las Vegas Casinos. It is a very funny movie. Relaxing and enjoyable for me.

I caught a very nice showing with little people in the room. The earlier showing was all packed but I went to a later showing that was less crowed and we had many seats to choose from in the theater.

At the concession stand I took a picture of Amanda.  At the movies theater they know me and everybody is really kind to pose for me..

I had a good ice cream and a cherry coke. I like cherry coke . I drink it only at the movie theater as a treat. During the week I am drinking  either  milk, or coffee or water.

On Sunday had a good breakfast and then went to do recycle with Kyle. It is good for the environment to do recycle and Simona is bringing me a lot of items to recycle. I made $2.50 had had the chance of catching some good hair.

On Sunday right after recycle Kyle was kind enough to bring me to the gym. I did my routine. Step master, abdominal and legs.

All good for my strength and my balance.

Before leaving I snapped a picture with Charity. She is the smiling lady at my right hand side.

Charity asked me where is your wife? I told her she is always with me.

On Sunday I made Carbonara pasta. I had the pancetta  available in the fridge so I concluded it was time for me to use it.

A couple of raw eggs, parmesan cheese, mixed with the roasted pancetta. A tad of pepper and Voila'.

Carbonara Pasta is really good. Once in a while I eat it. 

And of course afterward it was my pleasure to clean the dishes. 

As water is a premium in California, I normally clean the dishes by hand, so that I did not waste water with the dishwater.

Finally on Sunday evening it was time for me to go to church on S. Francis. 
Mark did drove us to church on perfect good time.

It was the third Sunday of Easter.  At  church the  priest was commenting on the Holy Gospel.
Repent and be converted. Our sins will be forgiven if we repent and we convert. We are encouraged to change because we recognize our sins.

We should try to avoid sins but if we sin we and and advocate on Jesus. We are human and we accept of being human. We have always a second chance as we rely on the love of Jesus Christ.

Jesus is helping us by interceding with the Father. Jesus forgives the whole world. Do not be afraid and peace may be with you. 
Jesus is advocating after the Father for us. 
Teach to others forgiveness as Jesus has forgiven us. We will be one in Jesus Christ. Let us be forgiving.

We are all well, Simona and the boys are great, and me I am focusing on my getting stronger and better.

By the way on Sunday I greeted Reee my RTC and her husband Jose. I let them know that I have finally understood how to pronounce her family name in a proper way..

Enjoy the reading,
Thank you mon amour.

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