Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Tuesday April 7 2014

Let's start from the beginning.

Yesterday after therapy I went home and prepared myself a good dinner.

Pesto Tortellini, with a healthy Chia Seeds Salad with spinach, tomatoes and carrots.
Tostadas from Simona.

Our kiddos where at Taekwon-do, while Simona was busy at Caltech and me..  I went to the gym.
It was my yoga day. I did Yoga with Erica.. and Alexis took me to the gym,,

I had a lot of fun driving with  #Alexis ..I am having a lot of fun whenever I go in the community..hence I appreciate CNS.

After Yoga we had to rush out as Alexis was busy having a different outing.

Nevertheless I said hi to everybody at the gym " A social butterfly" as Alexis likes to call me.

I like the gym and the gym likes me,,
It is a mutual relationship that fees on each other. The gym is for me my PT while I am here at the old clinic.
I am going everyday except when I have something different to do.
The day after tomorrow I need to get a hair cut (I need to book the hair cut tomorrow).

I would like to have  a clean cut as this Saturday my son Chicco - now 9- is going to have his first communion at S.Bede in La Canada.
The whole event is organized to involve the whole family. 
I need to get ready for this important event.

Earlier this morning I talked to Simona my wife. She mentioned that she is very busy at Caltech, whenever she  works hard - most of the days- she is focused on her job.
I am going to call her during my lunch break and then if she picks up the phone it is OK.. Otherwise I will call home and talk to Lapo our little one who is coming back from Kindergarten everyday to eat lunch. Chicco our eldest now 9 years old is going to be home after three pm.

Meditation is now.

I need to go.

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