Friday, April 17, 2015

Friday March 17 2015

It is a wonderful day here in Bakersfield. I am back wearing my short red pans.

I am writing to you from AAC as usual.

Yesterday evening when I came back at the apartment I have been preparing baked eggplant.

I sliced the eggplant, cooked on the stove, then used garlic and salt. The green leaves are from Basil I had at the Trader Joe's store. I made it yesterday and I will let it soak in the fridge for a day or two. Afterward it will be ready to eat.

While  I was cooking the boys went to Taekwondo.

I went to say hi to Renee - my wonderful RTC- and as a result I retrieved my Economist magazine. I learned to say Renee's family name on the right way. Earlier I was using my Italian pronunciation.

This is the Economist magazine for this week,

After cooking and a light dinner I went to the 24 fitness gym with Norberto. It was my Zumba  night with Mike . 
I then started doing strength training with  Lee Anne and  at 7pm it was time for me to leave the gym.

Amanda came to pick me up and to drive me back to the apartment.

Before leaving as usual I had the time to snap a picture with Jerry.
This is Jerry goofing with me. 

I went  back to the apartment, got a warm and soothing showers, finally a snack and went to bed.
Had a good night sleep. Finally I wake up early as usual.

I got up had a good  breakfast.. I call my breakfast Yale Style since Simona my wife is attending a conference over there.

Simona is at Yale until Saturday. 

I am hoping that she is going to take the chance of being home for the weekend to spent time with the boys. Normally our kiddos have a lot of activities over the weekend. At home Anna my mother in law has come from Rome, Italy to cover for Simona's trip.

As usual this morning I went to say hi to the maintenance crew: I saw Jarron, Caesar and James. 

Jarron was kind enough to snap this picture of me holding a big red doughnut that  found hard to eat, rather I used to  smile and goof around.

It is all good mon amour.. I am always thinking about you.
At the AAC this morning I read the newspapers, with the current news, I went through the horoscope and finally it was time for me to go to do some blog to download my recent activities.
It is all good. Mon amour.. don't you worry too much.. I am rather wondering if you are taking care of yourself.
Baci Giuseppe

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