Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday April 24

Yesterday I came back home and wrote a letter to Chicco and Lapo. In English and block letters.

As I was writing I cooked summer squash risotto. The recipe is from Anna -my wonderful mother in law.
The risotto is with grated cheese, bouillon and butter.  

Our kiddos were at Taekwon do. 

After writing to my kids, cooking and eating dinner it was time for me to go to the 24 fitness gym

I then went to dance Zumba at the gym. Our instructor was Mike. I then started doing strength training with Lee Anne and it was time to go back home.
Reyes provided an excellent coverage at the gym

At my left hand side is Charity. She is always good to me.

Reyes came with me at the gym. So I am thanking him and all CNS for his coverage.

After the gm I came back at the apartment, took a soothing shower and got a Piadina  snack, The flat bread was fillet with green beans and mortadella...really a good late evening snack.

Yummy .. 

This morning I wake up early as usual and get my normal morning routine done.
I had my yummy breakfast: milk, Oatmeal, Bran Cereal, fresh blueberry and blueberry Kefir.

I like to eat healthy.. and as I am independent I like to get my preferred yummy food.

I keep track on my calories intake with an app on my phone (My fitness pal)

This is a picture of my breakfast today

This morning I also went to wish a good weekend to James, Jarron and Caesar. Also I greeted Paul to let him know I was leaving, he was kidding with me telling he does not believe me as I have a large fantasy. I guess I cried wolf with him too many times.

James snapped this picture at the workshop with me pretending to be ready for shipment back home.

At the park I met Laurent who was walking his dog Rusty. He mentioned that he is doing well, he had knees replacement and he is doing well. His wife Ruth is also going through the same experience.
We I wish to the both of them all the best.

Today I could not reach my wife Simona as she was already gone at the university. I left her a voice mail not to worry anyway.  It is all good in Bakersfield.. as they say no news is good news.

Enjoy the reading.

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