Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tuesday April 14

Q: For some, I am used to get around. I never even touch the ground. Sometimes I fall and sometimes I float. What am i?
For some, I am used to get around. I never even touch the ground. Sometimes I fall and sometimes I float, If I'm in the air, then take note. What am I?

A: A boat

I had my blood drawn done today.. Laura came with another NRS early this morning to get my blood done. In a couple of days I will go to dr. Nelson Madrilejo to check the IGF1 (growth hormone) level.

I need to see him a second time in a couple of month to be done.

Yesterday I went to Trader Joe's  and I add everything I needed. I purchased $110 and being happy with it.
Jamie is buying a small house with her husband.

It is Meditation time with Matt.

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