Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Luminosity June 30 small

Enjoy . ...computer crashes aside.


Tuesday June 30 post lunch

Lunch in peace under the patio.
I cleaned everything and left the table as clean as I found it.

Polpettine -Anna's courtesy, a good salad and a couple of oranges.

During Lunch I called Italy.
Simona and the boys had just arrived in Rome. I spoke to Anna -my wonderful mother in law and to the whole family.
They were all happy to be in Rome and tired for the trip.

Simona is ready to leave in a couple of days to go to UK.
She has managed to combine her professional life with her personal life.
Once the kiddos are in Rome with Anna she is going off for a tour of University seminars, visit and talks,
Our kids will enjoy their stay in Rome. A bit of an Italian vacation for them. A lot of good gelato, food, family and seaside.
From Anna's house the beach is not that far. 

In the meanwhile Simona will be going off to UK.

She will be go to Exter University to give a talk and a seminar.

This is a picture of the university of Exter

Simona is going to stay at Exter University until the 4th of July.

The following day she will be going to Reading University, UK.

Over there she has a busy schedule: talk, seminar, visit to the department.
She is going to stay in Reading until  July 7,
Finally she will be leaving and returning to Rome.

From July 9th to July 21st she will be staying in Rome at home with the kiddos.
Hopefully she will be enjoying her little time off work.

I am happy she is finding the energy to move on and to do what needs to be completed for her carrier.
Simona is an accomplished Assistant Professor at Caltech University.

She recently has led a workshop on Monsoon.

Simona is really a great person and a great wife.

We all own a lot to her.
Enjoy the reading.

Tuesday June 30

Simona and the boys are having a good time in Brussels, Belgium.
Yesterday it was their last day.

Simona sent me this nice picture of the boys at the automobiles museum.

The car is a red Ferrari.

Yesterday evening after the therapy as usual I went back home and had a good dinner.

A healthy scrambled eggs and  a good  spinach salad. In the salad I added carrot, celery avocado and an apple. I tossed everything together and dressed with olive oil and vinegar.

Everything so good and healthy.

Later I went to the gym to do Yoga with Erica. She is the lady at my far right. The guy next to me is Lee. He is a contractor for JPL. He mentioned that the Thousand Oaks facility is even bigger that the one here in Bakersfield.

I enjoyed Yoga very much. It is getting better and better, I am getting stronger and have better balance. Clearly the other people there have a better posture than me. But hey I am doing my very best.

After Yoga It was time for me to do cycle with Lolita. She is the lady at my right hand side.

She is always happy to see me over there.

At the gym I was dropped off, and at 7pm Kyle came to pick me up and take me back to the apartment.

I took my shower and and had a snack.
Finally it was time to clean everything,  dry  all and put away my dishes. 
Go to bed and sleep.
Finally at 6am I was again up and running again.

My breakfast has been balanced as usual. A good mix of cold cereal with milk, blueberry, yogurt and coffee.

Our kids are leaving today Brussels

This picture is from the airport. Lapo is enjoying his doughnut. Chicco next to him  is smiling as he is about to fly back to Rome. 

Everybody is well.

Simona is well, she mentioned that she is going to call me today.  I am sure I can call myself to Rome and I will find all the family reunited.

I need to talk with Jolanta.
Enjoy the reading.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Luminosity Monday June 29 Bingo posting

Well...it is a stupid game .. some thing not even worth taking my busy time.

Probably I would be better playing Bingo.. another stupid activity at AAC.

It is clearly meant to keep everybody busy with some little meaningless task..
as everything at AAC is without any sense.. a big place to waste money to breath some really smelly hair (as you know the hair sometime is really smelly..
The company goes along with the hair.)

Frankly I am not surprised by the waste of resource and cramped resources of this little and small tiny clinic..
meant to keep everybody "busy" playing Bingo?

What a waste..

Monday June 29 post lunch

I received this picture of our kiddos from Simona.
They are doing sign seeing in Brussels,
The monument at their back is the Brandenburg gate.
I knew it by heart and just to confirm it I google it.
You see you need to be proficient with both the computer and with the old world.

During my break I enjoyed very much my self made lunch.
Risotto with zucchini, polpettine, a healthy salad with tostadas.
Finally a couple of sweet oranges.

Simona is well. The whole family is going to leave Brussels tomorrow. Simona takes the kids to Rome, Italy with her mom Anna. She is going to stay just a  day. on Thursday she is giving to go to UK. University of Exter. She gives a talk over there. 

Enjoy the feeling..

Monday June 29

On Friday I went to the gym to do Zumba with Caroline. She is the lady in black, the lady in pink is Salvia

On Saturday morning I cleaned everything.
towels, my clothes, my bed and my bathrobe.

 Folded away everything neatly.

At 11 am I went to do grocery shopping at Trader Joe's. 

It was Ashley' s last day. She is moving to Oregon.

Ashley is the girl at my left hand side. Next to her is Tabi. Her son Dante is doing great.

I spent $103.80, clearly eating healthy and well has its own price tag.

Before leaving I snapped a picture with both Candace and Lacey.

Finally after tagging everything and putting it away
I wrote to my family and made a drawing for Lapo.

As he is in Europe I made an airplane to him.
It is Lapo Airline...

In the afternoon I went to see TED2 movie

A very nice movie, I have really enjoyed it and had a good time.

Over there I snapped a picture of Inez -always happy to see me.

On Sunday morning 
I wrote another letter to my family. Also I prepared a drawing for Lapo about the movie I saw the day before.

At 11 am I did recycle. On Stockdale Hwy near El Pollo Loco.
I made $1.25 and Yadira drove us there.

Later I also  went to the gym.

She is Charity always happy to see me working out over there.
Jerry is the guy in the background.

I did my own program. I like it more than anything.

stepper level 7 for 30 minutes
abdominal 3x40 kg
leg extension 3x30 kg
Legs 2x80kg plus 1x100kg.

I had dinner with 3 scrambled eggs,a rich salad and a banana.

Finally I went to church and Alex drove us to S.Francis church.
It was the last day for Amparo and Mark. They are husband and wife singing at church.

The priest spoke the following sermon;
Hope is an attitude. We live a life of hope.
Trust God, he speaks to us trough Jesus Christ.
Do not be afraid. Just have faith.

I greeted James today and kidded with the whole crew as usual

This morning I went to kid the the maintenance crew, had a good time as usual and snapped my usual daily picture with them.

The boys are in Belgium, Brussels.
This is Lapo

This is Chicco

Chicco is  plying Table Soccer over there.

We all have our own players to pivot.
Mine are not as cute as Chicco's one.

Have a good day.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Luminosity June 26

Thank you Luminosity, it is great ending the week on a positive and encouraging note.

Post lunch June 26 and tre moschettieri

Over lunch I talked to Simona. I had a wonderful lunch today outside under the patio my usual spot.

I grabbed today a piece of garlic bread with my chicken things. I had a rich spinach salad, with nut halves, cucumber, tomatoes. Dressed Italian Style with Olive Oil and Vinegar.

I6 06 68 88? 98
we turn that up-side down

16 06 68 88 ? 98

the ? is replaced by 87

we turn it back right side up again and we have

I6 06 68 88 L8 98

Answer L8

Simona is still visiting her brother Andrea in Brussels. The family is well. She went with the boys and  our nephew Matteo -with the green T-shirt  to watch the move Inside Out.
Afterward she took the kids to eat at Quick. It is a fast food restaurant - let's say the French equivalent of the American McDonald.
The three boys have their fair fun while in Europe. I tre moschettieri

Lapo is wearing a blue T-shirt while Chicco is wearing an orange T-shirt.

They all look intensely focused on their sandwich.

The boys told Simona that once back in US they would like to watch again the movie InsideOut.

This is a nice movie I saw last week at the movie theater.
I highly recommended to you all. It talk about the important of forming long lasting positive memories during our childhood.

The movie tells the story of what happens when the deepest and oldest memories are getting unbalanced.

I have personally liked very much the movie.
After watching it, I asked Morgana if she had a couple of small toys for my kids.
And sure enough she came back with two small toys for my kids.

My plan for the weekend?
Well this afternoon is gym time.
On Saturday it is cleaning the apartment and grocery shopping at Trader Joe's.
Finally on Saturday evening I will go to catch a movie.
I would like to see Ted2 

On Sunday I will be doing recuycle at 11am, finally gym  at about 1:30 2pm  for just one hour.
I will be then going back to get my med and dinner and then be ready for Church.

Enjoy the weekend, and don' t you worry too much.
Everything is well.

Friday June 26 Pegasus

It is a Pegasus for Simona my wife.

 I met her in France and felt in love. She had to return to Rome as her staying was over.

I sent her flowers (White Calluses)  with an international courier.

 I wrote a note to her.
The note was saying " Pegasus correctly is busy, I am sending you white calluses that are white and wing equipped " (Bianche e alate)

Simona's parents were pleasantly surprised. I love Simona very much, always had and always will.

Let's go back to yesterday's activities. I had dinner before going to the gym.
As usual I am eating before doing sport.

I then went to the gym. Obviously Charity was there to snap a picture with me. She is wearing a blue shirt at my left hand side.

Charity knows all about me and my family. Hence  I believe she is comfortable by me stopping by to greet her.

At the gym everybody knows me, and they are all very kind to stop by with me for a picture.
Once they decide to leave, they are gone, but for the time being we enjoy the present moment.

Yesterday evening I did cycle with Janette  here pictured at my right hand side.

A good cycle  session, I enjoyed it very much. It is all good.

Magali drove me to the gym and back.

Afterward I had a late evening snack.

I call it a modified Piadina.

 It is white toasted bread with Italian Mortadella to replenish the spent fuel. 
Obviously my family is always with me at any time.

Simona and the boys are currently in Brussels to visit  her brother Andrea.
In this picture our boys (Chicco and Lapo on the left hand side) and playing with Matteo ( at the right hand side). Matteo is Andrea's son.

Simona told me that yesterday she took the boys to see a really good movie.
It is the latest feature movie from Pixar and Disney.

It is called Inside out.

They all saw the movie in French.

I saw it last week and enjoyed it very much. Hence I recommended to her.

I am happy that the whole family had the chance  to enjoy this show.

After the movie they all went to have dinner at Quick. It is a fast food chain in Belgium,

My breakfast this morning has been really good, as usual I am making sure that I do healthy choices for my food.

Bran Flakes, Raw Blueberry. Blueberry Kefir, Milk and Coffee.

I stopped by the Maintenance Department: Chain, Caesar, Jarron and James.

I snapped a  funny picture as usually. 
 Today it was my turn to pretend helping  with the trash bin. 

Later I  went to the park to grab the newspaper at the farthest location.

 I like to walk around in the morning.

Finally at 9:00 am I was ready to grab the bus.
I am always early but I like it this way.

At the AAC, this morning I read the newspaper. The local news, International situation, California Water  and drought situation.

Finally I came to fill my daily blog.
Well, enjoy the reading.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Waffle and lunch June 25

I had a really good lunch, under the patio outside.

I had Salmon (cooked yesterday) with white bread.

Then a really good and healthy salad.
Spinach, tomatoes, apple, nuts..home made Italian dressing.

Really good and yummy.

Finally a bit of coffee and oral care.
During lunch  I spoke to many people of my family.
With Skype  I called Brussels (Andrea's house phone)  where Simona is visit her Brother Andrea.
The boys are really happy to be there and do enjoy playing with Matteo their five years old cousin.

The boys are well, they have already caught up with the time difference between US and Europe.
Simona is making sure that the boys maintain  a regular day and sleeping rhythm.
Simona mentioned that the boys already had a chance to taste Belgian Waffle.

I looked it up on Google. It is a very rich and wonderful treat.

Simona mentioned that while in Europe our eldest son Chicco will add several inches to his eight. 

She also mentioned that Lapo will probably come back a bit taller and with a rounder tummy.

Over lunch I also had a chance to talk to my mom in Verona.

She is doing well. As over there it is evening TV time she was watching some TV.
She is doing better and she is in good spirit.
I had problem taking  to her using Skype so she called me back.

Simona just sent me this picture of our kiddos. Chicco is the tallest with a grey T-Shirt. Lapo is at his left hand side with a dark blue T-Shirt.

Waffle is clearly a very tasty snack for this trip.

This picture is taken on the same days as the boys are visiting Brussels.

Simona mentioned that it represent a Chocolate Elephant.

Over there, our kiddos are playing with Matteo. I am glad they have family over there.

Shortly it is time for me to go.