Monday, June 15, 2015

Monday June 15 2015

On Friday we went to see the Wind Mill at Tehachapi.
It is a great site with many rotating turbine and with some experimental turbine (the big one that have a big nose)

We stopped to a local Museum where I got a few things for my kids. A little magnet for the fridge on the left  and a little top toys at the right hand side. Simple items for our kids.

Finally we stopped to a good Persian restaurant.
It is called Petra. It  serves really good food.

I had a chicken shawerna gyros and a good refreshing Chai tea. 

On Friday  evening I went to do my  personal gym.

Stair master level 7 , 2.7 miles 35 minutes
Leg extension 28 kg X 3
Abdominal crunch 3 x 30
I met Peter, Janice and Larry

I purchased Protein bars worth $2.23 and found today's food $11.59

Before leaving I snapped a picture with Charity.. as usual she is glad to smile next to me.. or so it looks like.

On Saturday morning  I prepared a letter to my family as well, it is for both Chicco and Lapo.
" I know you are all surrounding me with love and attention"

As my room was really clattered and there was  no space..
 I took the chance of snapping a few pictures of the current leaving  conditions of my quarter.

I sent the following pictures to my family both in Italy and to my wife.

And in fact the result is that over the weekend we spent time with Simona and Anna to move things around so that I have now a better room. 

Ahead of time, I prepared my  winter clothes as I  do not use it any longer, skying equipment, woolen pool.. a lot of winter pans.  Everything fitted into one big blue box that Simona took back with her.

Simona is always lessening to me and she is doing her best to make sure I am comfortable at CNS.

I Then wrote another letter to my family

On Saturday morning I went to do Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's.

As usual I had fun going over there.
I snapped a picture with Denise 

with Chloe

And finally with Lacey

Every body knows me over there.

I spent $93.60  and got everything I  had on my grocery list.

A lot of bananas ( for the potassium)

As usual I got stickers and lottery tickets as I brought back the reusable bags.
I have to say my experience in going to Trader Joe's by the CNS van was not that great as we were all cramped in a tiny van.. it looks like the more body in a confined space the better. Or it looks like CNS is saving money on the equipment and on the general service.

Anyway I prepared a drawing for Lapo  (Lapolino) our youngest son.

Always thinking about them anyway.

Over the weekend I met with Jesus my IPC (Innovation Program Coordinator). 

He showed me some small video clips of his past football matches. I enjoyed very much looking at his skills.

Afterward we discussed some business. I needed a cash advance and I got my $40.

On Saturday evening I went to see a good movie. The movie theater was literally packed. 

I got the last seat  in the back high  so I could enjoy the movie from a good nice place.
I do no like seating in the front rows.

I  like the Jurassic World movie very much. In my opinion it is definitely a PG 13 movie. 
 There are certain scene of Dinosaurs fighting that are too bloody for small kids.

Chicco told was excited about the movie.. I believe he has to wait until he is a bit older.

On Sunday I have been cooking: staffed peppers and polpettine (meat ball)...
The latter is according to Anna's recipe.

I used turkey ground meat, bread crumble, eggs and spices. 

The polpettine were rolled in the bread crumble again before cooking.
For cooking I used Coconut Oil. It  is a very healthy Oil to use as it has a very high smoking temperature.

As I was cooking, I wrote to my boys again and made a small drawing for Lapo.
The drawing is of a Lion, so that I could match its writing with Lapo as they share the same letter "L".

The Lion drawing for Lapo was by far less scarier than a Dinosaur poster.

I snapped a picture of my flowers,, they are growing.
There is no hurry, no need to get back.

I am getting better in being a house keeping service for my roommate.

Why leave him now...

Clearly CNS needs my housekeeping service.. don't you agree...

I had the chance to get out with my family we then went to eat at Panera Bread.

I enjoyed my Quinoa Salad and my pita bread.

The boys had a bagel with cream cheese.

Finally after dinner it was time for me to go to church (S. Francis H street)

Estella was kind enough to wait for me and we went on time to church.

Simona and my kiddos went ahead of time to church at S. Bede in La Canada.
There was the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Monsignor Antonio. It was a large celebration: Cardinal Mahoney of LA, the cardinal of S. Francisco, Bishop Clark ( he celebrate the confirmation of our eldest son Chicco.

Enjoy the reading.

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