Tuesday, June 23, 2015

cacophony and attitude

Well as a matter of fact CNS is clearly on top of everything.

The cacophony is omnipresent, a lot of swearing with so many great and bad words.


A whole dictionary would be filled by the current words fluency of the patients around the block.

Some have clearly a talent for swearing, most of them have the frontal lobe damaged in their accident.

In the frontal lobe the executive functions are residing, and   the person who clearly are walking around swearing like a drunk person (poor drunk person - you are really drunk) show their lack of frontal lobe power.

A few people  have normal function as their brain has been affected by a myriad of injuries.

Yet everybody is here:  swearing, humming and asking for always the same nurse assistance or the same sleeping bed. And the answer is always the same to the local Cacophony.. because the people around this place are always the same. Actually they used to be people, right now they are just pieces of what used to compose a normal and fully person.

What has been left is not their soul, is not the better part of them, is what it it.
At time it is the worst part of it, at time you can hear screaming or people get annoyed by simple observation.

You see the life at CNS, is as crazy as possible.

The normal one is the personnel that works here.

Caveat, this is just a job for the CNS personnel. Do not be fouled by the attitude toward us  the patients.
It is because they are doing a job, a tough job, but do not be fouled by the appearances, it is just a job. It starts on Monday and ends on Friday.

And in fact, a lot of them are leaving without even saying goodbye, just going away without having the courage or the courtesy (your choice) to say goodbye.

I have a few examples to tell you.

Only Zeina had the courtesy to tell me she was leaving a long time ago. And for this I appreciated her a lot.Zeina used to be an NRS at CNS.

She went to work for the local post office.

Also I met the other day Alex at the movie theater. Alex used to be the transport supervisor. One morning he  suddenly quit and left. Without say goodbye to anybody.

He used to drive the bus for CNS.  His application for a correctional officer was pending.
Most likely it came trough and hence he left. Again he left without saying goodbye to anybody.

And so the stories goes on.
Why being surprised at all?

Artificial Work

As you can read from my words I came to the conclusion long time ago that all the CNS is about is a large artificial world. What you see here, is not real,, what you smell here is not real.
This is as artificial as it gets.
The real world is outside this locked world. And in fact every door is locked and closed by a combination lock that only the CNS personnel knows how to operate.

Enjoy your reading.. and reflect on the following words

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