Friday, June 19, 2015

Friday June 19

Yesterday after the clinic I went back to the apartment and started cooking.

I prepared  Polpettine following Anna's recommendation.
 Here is my recipe.
Ingredients: ground turkey, bread crumble, Parmesan cheese, eggs.

Seasoning : salt, pepper, garlic powder, pepper and olive oil.

I mixed everything in a large bowl using my hands.
This time I have also added some shredded soft white bread.
To make it even moister.  In  fact you can taste the difference.

I then prepared by hands some little balls with this mixture. Once I was done I rolled it in bread crumble again.

Finally I cooked it with Coconut Oil in the oven. Coconut Oil is a really good Oil for high temperature cooking.

After baking it  for 40 minute, I set the oven to broil for 5 minutes. In this way the polpettine got browned on the top side.

While I was cooking I made a small drawing for my youngest son Lapo.

The  previous one was too complicated for him to replicate.

 He  told me he would appreciate me drawing for  him a simple dog.

Hence I prepared the drawing below.

The name LAPOLINO is the way LAPO is called at home by Marina our nanny.
It means little LAPO.

Later in the evening  I was done cooking, I washed by hand everything and put away what I used.
I always try to conserve water at my best as California is in a fourth year of drought.

I was also done preparing things for my family   and I went for my hair cut at Great Clips.

 Lauree came with me.

The last time I went there it has been two month ago.
 Yesterday Martha cut my hair as the previous time.
She mentioned that she is having family around her house  for Father day weekend (the incoming weekend)

The hair cut was $15.00 and I left a tips of $3.00. I believe a 20% tips is appropriate.

So Martha did a good job. This is me with my latest hair cut.

This morning I woke up at 6 am,  got washed and ready for my day in a blizzard.

I had a good fulfilling breakfast, washed everything by hand and put things away.

This is my good breakfast: I like my toasted bran flakes with blueberry and milk.
Then a blueberry yogurt and a few caps of coffee.

I then left the apartment did my daily routine:
I thrown the trash (Stair up and down) went to the park to grab today's newspaper.

While over there I called back home. I  spoke with Anna my wonderful mother in law and my boys.
Today Chicco -Our eldest - goes to play tennis. Lapo -our youngest is staying home with Anna.
He is doing a lot of things with Anna. Homework, playing the piano, playing a bit.

They will be  having  a good lunch and then the day is quickly gone.

In the morning I stopped by the maintenance building. As usual to have some fun. I greeted James, Jarron and Chaneh. 
I learned today from James that his name is actually Chaneah (pronounced Chanae). 
It is a   Native American name.

Anyway  I got my daily picture having fun: with Lorentz hat on top of mine and holding two radios with both hands. 

Because I woke up too early I went initially into the wrong bus. It was going to the new clinic on Ashe Rd.

 I quickly realized my mistake and waited outside for the next bus  at 9:30.

This is the bus that  comes  to the AAC. 

Since  I woke up with a headache I went to Nursing to get my Tylenol and  now I am feeling fine.

I stated having  regular headache so whenever I feel the need  prefer to get Tylenol from Nursing.

It is all well.

Matt just called the AAC to let us know that he is not feeling well today.
Hence he is taking the weekend to get better.

Matt is leading the Value and Action group.
Lately I found  a lot of interesting place to visit in Bakersfield.
There are so many interesting place to visit in Bakersfield related to renewable energy sources.
Way to go California and Bakersfield.
Looking always forward to lead by examples.

Enjoy the reading.

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