Monday, June 1, 2015

Monday June 1 post lunch

I had a good lunch under the patio.
Gnocchi, staffed portobella mushroom and a salad. On my back there are offices.

While I was eating there -thank you CNS- I called back home. Lapo answered me and greeted me very warmly. He was eating his lunch like me.Later today he is going together with Chicco is brother to Taekwon do.
The boys are very active..  they are in school break. Today they are going to Taekwondo.

After my lunch I called Simona, left her a message - she is very busy at Caltech.
She is an  Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering at Caltech University.

And in fact she called me back after I was done eating.

She mentioned that my family from Italy sent me an Amazon card for my birthday. She was inquiring on how I am thinking of using it.

I mentioned her that I would like to have some summer sandals.

As I need a good support for my equilibrium I believe we are going to have some sandals that offers a good stability.

Simona is always full of attention for me, together with her mom Anna.

I forgot to mention that Anna did a really wonderful job while we were all at home.
She got the chance of showing  us all her terrific skills and great creativity.
So thank you Anna once more.. you are doing all of this for your love and great strength for Simona and our family.

I know  Anna you are a very creative and resourceful person like your daughter Simona.

Hence once more I would like to acknowledge your support to our family.

Thank you Anna.

Going back home is good for me as it make me realize how hard would be for me to stay there. For the time being while I am at CNS Simona has her routine while I have my own independence and freedom.

The fact is that right now I am not ready to go back home. I can only stay over there once a month for a couple of days. While there everybody has to be home with me.

It is a matter of being realistic with the outlook of the best accommodation for the whole family. 
We are still a family, we stay together and we are in this long journey of mine all together.

As Simona mentioned she has never turned her back to her responsibilities.

Mon amour..
please be reassure we are always together.

Thank you Amanda

I forgot to mention a couple of things for the weekend.

We celebrated my birthday at home as well. With Simona and our close friends,

Here is Raffaella at Simona left hand side. Raffaella is from Rome and she was a schoolmate of her at UCLA.

On the center of the table in the picture below there is Bob, Raffaella's husband. 
At Bob's right hand side there is Jen. She has two boys Renzo and Dario. Her husband Stefano was coming back from a business trip and once he landed he called her to wish everybody a Happy Birthday. They are the long time friends of our family

Our little son Lapo is very found of Bob. 

Anna worked hard in preparing all the food, it was really delicious and we all had a great time.

 Again Raffaella at the left had side and Bob at the right hand side.

As a present I had: Raffaella the latest book about Hillary Clinton, and an armband to do exercise. 
From Jen the latest  book from Walter Isaacson, Also Bluetooth speaker.

From my kiddos the Happy Birthday card that I have already showed you before in the above page.
Well everybody was very kind and positive with me.
For the time being I have realized that my family is everything for me and that for the time being I am well here at CNS.

For the time being this is the best arrangement  for our family.
Hence thank you CNS, thank you Jolanta.. you are a very positive and encouraging Case Manager at CNS Innovation.

With a deep sense of gratitude.
God Bless you all.

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