Thursday, June 25, 2015

Thursday June 25

I slept really well tonight. I reached the deep REM phase. I am happy and feel restored.
It is great having a good night of sleep. I woke up at 6am .
I had a good breakfast:

A banana, milk, blueberry and toasted flakes. As I slept really well I only had a cup of coffee.

Today I have also  brought two pins with the small changes in my wallet.
I gave one to Jesus A. my IPC and the second one I brought it here at AAC and gave it to Tami.

It is a symbol of peace. What has been done has been done.
Let's move on to get better,  let's all be at peace and move on.

To purchase the pins I used all the small coins I had in my wallet. I cleaned it out  down to the last penny.

It is all good.. I am hoping it is all good. I done it with my best intention ever.

This morning as usual I went to have some good time with Chaine, Jarron and James all the maintenance crew.

We snapped this picture: it is a Bright idea picture.

The bulb is clearly a broken one as otherwise we would get all into troubles.

At the apartment it was the day for me to be paid.  I had outing money $24 and Grocery Shopping money $75.

I am doing well with the outing money, normally I blow my budget with the Grocery Shopping money.

I am set at the moment on the $90 a week. Well it is probably that I should pay more attention to purchase what I really need.

Yesterday evening before going to the gym I have been cooking,
I baked  Salmon in the oven with coconut oil, dressed with light spices  and caper.

I defrosted the Salmon ahead of time. Hence I am using my frozen fish.

As a side I prepared a healthy salad, spinach, tomato, apple and nut halves.
The dressing in Olive oil, salt and vinegar.
Healthy and simple.

I booked movie for Saturday evening - I hope to see Ted2, it is supposed to be a very funny movie.

Afterward I went to the gym. I had cycle time with Angie, her pictured at my left hand side.

She is always kidding a lot with me.

We talked about Simona and the kids being in Brussels Belgium to visit Andrea. Andrea  is Simona's brother. 

Afterward it was time for body pump with Silvia. Se is the lady at my left and side.
Body pump is good as it exercise all sort of muscles for the body.

Particular  I am  paying attention to my legs, abdominal and back muscles. All important for walking with a good posture. 

After the gym Alexander came to pick me up.
He drove me at the gym and he came back for me.
At the gym they know me so that they let me wait inside for my van.

Finally afterward I came back to the apartment, got cleaned up for the night.
Finally it was time for  a Trusted Piadina as a final snack .

Simona called me this morning, I spoke with her and with  Chicco and Lapo. Our two sons.
Everybody is well over there.
I am glad they are all having a good time.

As I had a headache I went to nursing to get some Tylenol.
It is called a PRN (Pro Re Nata) medication. 

Enjoy the reading.
Thank you everybody.

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