Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Wednesday June 24

Yesterday I went to the reception and filed a complaint for the apartment 623 being   poorly maintained and being in poor condition. For what is worth anyway..

As a result last night Laura came to wake me up at 2:45am. Here is a paste and copy of my email to Jolanta and Jesus.,

Jolanta and Jesus,
Tonight I  have been waken up by Laura who knocked on my door checking for Steve.
This is a recurring event at CNS,
Jose is welcome doing his nightly round, yet any other NRS should know which door to go. I just would like the door's  hinges been oiled so that the door does not make that squeaky noise please.
It is important I  can sleep at night, obviously it is not happening. On a regular basis you  guys are making the same mistake over and over.
Is it possible to get a big large sign in front of the door of the bedroom you assigned to me with my name please?

Thank you.

I went today to talk to Chaine and James and we have agreed a magnetic sign on the top of the frame of the door (Metal) is a good solution.
Please CNS follows trough with you words. 

My Case Manager Jolanta mentioned today that she has been discussing this matter with the Residential Manager to find a resolution. 

I am hopeful.

There is more and more cacophony at AAC.

(composed by the Greek words "Cacos  and  Phonos" . It means bad sound, before you google it)

A lot of bad manner and clearly a bunch of very bad mannered individuals.

Let's take step by step approach...

Simona, Lapo and Chicco have arrived in Brussels to visit Andrea, Elena and  Matteo. Andrea and his family is Simona's brother.

This is a picture of the boys during the flight. Both Lapo and Chicco had a long and fun flight.

Simona mentioned their first leg (LA to Chicago) went fine.

Once at Chicago airport it took a long time for the airplane to find an available gate to disembark.

Finally they were able to get to  an open gate and to get on the next plane to Brussels. 

It is  the first part of their trip.

Simona mentioned that today they were already up and running.

The secret of getting back to a normal circadian rhythm is  to get back to a day-nigh sun related life.
Simona is already taking the boys to walk around the city. 
At some point they will meet Andrea and finally during the evening it will be time for Elena and Matteo to go back home. The whole family will be reunited.

In the meantime here is an account of my past activities.

Yesterday evening I finally went back to the gym. 
did body pump with Ellie here pictured at my right hand side.
It is a good strengthening exercise.

Afterward It was Zumba time with Mike.
A lot of cardio, jumping left and right and fun.

It is all a good exercise for me.

Before leaving I  snapped a picture with Jackie here pictured at my left hand side.

Kyle drove me to the gym waited for me to be done and took me back. He event came to check for me in the man's restroom.. a bit excessive in my opinion. A GPS collar might be a better approach to this  personal touch.

This is part of his job and it is called coverage... yet it would be best to be done in a bit more sensible way.

After the gym at 7pm it was time to go back to the apartment 623.
Get a nice evening shower and a nigh snack. A good piadina.

You see in my opinion and experience, people at CNS are leaving from one day to the next without saying anything.

I am talking  of the disappearance of Mark (he most likely went to do work as a correction officer) and of Alexis. She also disappeared without saying anything.

Obviously they  don't care much about leaving a good footprint of their staying. They leave a job and it is concluded.  They turn a page in their life.

Acceptance is the the key .. yes accepting to be surrounded by poor mannered personnel is clearly a  step forward. Perhaps CNS should pay a bit more and afford better quality people over all.

So don't be fooled by the CNS personnel, Giuseppe you have to cautious toward the people working at CNS.

Breakfast: blueberry, brain flakes, milk, coffee and a banana.
Great colazione to get ready for my day.

Clearly I have been trowing the trash of several people and finally landed to the maintenance department guys to snap a funny picture of the day.

The bunny ears are for Lapo and the level is for my brain to show that it is leveled flat.

I also got the newspaper and kept it for myself.
 Until I am able to sleep properly I am reading the newspaper for myself.

To conclude story of my sleeping quality, this morning  Jolanta (My Case Manager) sent Simona and me  an email to mention this matter has been discussed with the Residential 
Management (Vanessa C.)

Well it is perhaps best if CNS follows trough on its commitment.
In my opinion the level has to be flat (per the picture above).

Anyway to switch argument this morning  I had the first part of money management at the apartment.
It is the day to return all receipt for the week. For the outing and for the  grocery.

Typically it is way easy for me to stay in budget for the outing as I have a regular outing activity.
On the matter of the grocery it is quite different. I tend to eat well and do a lot of sport. 
Hence I am consuming a lot of good healthy food. I am going to Trader's Joe where I am buying good and healthy food.
 I spend what I spend and that is it. 

I do  not have to worry about the Grocery Shopping final amount. I do not buy any junk food. The only frozen food is the fish that I buy over there. I learn to purchase it frozen so that it does not go bad in the refrigerator.
And in fact today I let thwarting a piece a frozen Salmon Fillet I purchased some time ago.
You see it all requires organization and preparation.

Time for lunch

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