Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Tuesday June 9 2015

last night I slept better, noddy wake me up in the middle of the my resting time.

I wake up early as usual. At  6am I am  up and I am getting ready for my Reeducation day at CNS.

Beside right now I am not in a position to have a resting place, the  tiny and cramped apartment I was given  is a real nightmare. Every time I think about it, it is a tiny small place and it makes get away from it immediately.

 One restroom for two bodies, no washer no drier.. congratulation for saving on the rent and on the appliances.

Not enough space not enough of everything, privacy is getting better..
You know the whole story.
Needless to go over this matter again.

As you might now by now I am 100% disable and not working nor leaving at my home in La Canada -660 Pomander Place 91011 La Canada.

I am leaving in room 623 at CNS,  2500 Gosford Road, Bakersfield, 93309.

I have been at CNS  for the past 5 years, moving from place to place. The last move as been traumatic as I got from a large and pleasant place - being by myself- to a tiny an cramped apartment.

Yesterday evening I had diner.. I pretended to place an international call to Haven. The line was busy. God is apparently being busy lately as he had too many calls.

 I had pasta with pesto and a salad. Blanca took this picture of me. Blanca mentioned that her daughter is going to have a quincenearea celebration.  This is a celebration in the Spanish community that mark the entering of a young girl into adulthood.

I am glad they are planning on this matter as a family.

Speaking about my family.. I seldom have any phone calls from them.

I am used to this matter anyway. I am not complaining I am stating a fact.
On the other hand whenever I am asking something material to my wife Simona by email, I have immediately her attention.

After dinner I  went to the gym as usual. I did yoga with Erica here shown at my left hand side.

At the gym I met Damian. Anne Marie and her husband  and many other people I am familiar with.

 Yoga with Erica is always a good exercise, it is as Erica mentioned to us - non judgmental of the other capabilities. Right now I am one of the few that has a lot of difficulties, despite it  I am there every week. And every week she patiently wait for me to take a picture together.

I am going to the gym everyday as it makes me feel better, accepted by the normal people around me.

On Erica's left is Lolita our cycle teacher for my following class. I did cycle as well and at 7am it was time for me to go back to square one. I stretched before leaving as stretching is a part of having good physical practice. Stretching helps the fiber of the muscle to recover quickly and to be able to get ready for the following day. 

Kyle brought me at the gym and back. It stayed there with me,  it is called Coverage.
Right now I am not allowed to be alone anyplace else.

Once back to square one  I had a banana (potassium), got cleaned, washed my clothes  and went to bed. God my Divalproex, Melatonine and Trazodone -meds for the night.

I slept well, nobody bugged me in the middle of the night.

I wake up early as usual and got ready for the day.

I had a good breakfast: Bran flakes cereal blueberry and yogurt. I stood tall while having breakfast as there was no place to seat in room 623. The table was occupied by the other individual. 
After breakfast I cleaned  the whole kitchen of course, cleaned my dished, the floor and basically behaved as Lupe is behaving when she does the cleaning of the tiny apartment 623

I have several Red T shirt hence I am showing all my collection.

It is a microfiber T shirt, it keeps me dry as it is meant to do sport.

Today I went down to the maintenance guys to get a shot of the track I need to use for me upcoming going back home.

Speaking about home, I talked to Simona who went to her daily job at Caltech University while our kids are attending a summer camp at Caltech as well.

They will be doing a lot of activities.

Here is my family:
My wife Simona at my right. At my right Chicco our eldest who is 9 years old. In the middle  you will see Lapo our youngest, he is 6 years old.

Chicco will start V grade on the next school year while Lapo will start I grade

They keep going to a good public school in La Canada.
La Canada Elementary school is really a good public school,
They boys are happy when they are going over there.

In this picture I am dressed like a human decent person,, at CNS I do not consider being treated like in this picture. 

Right now there is Meditation but hey I am done with this practice as the whole  hour is  spent on a less than scientific stance and on a set of arguments that I do not find any longer interesting to me.
Sorry Matt, bur the latest few times made me conclude it is not worth of my time.

I am a rational person. I am used to have a person that present a  topic that has been organized ahead of time. In the scientific community when you present a paper or a topics you are invited to spend time of the way you organize the presentation.

 The last few times I went there I was less that satisfied by the quality of the time spent there.
The topics was confused, the presentation was spanning two different boards.
I felt there was no real gain for me to be there.

Hence I made the following resolution: no more Meditation for me. 

Dr. Giuseppe Rossi

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