Thursday, June 11, 2015

Thursday June 11 2015

Do you believe it is worth the money of being at CNS?

There is no space to put my personal items right now they are stored in the two large blue canisters.
I have no place to put my own things, least my own pot which is right now in my bedroom.
Does anybody sleep at CNS with a cluttered bedroom like mine?

Amanda says that a clattered desk is a sign of being a genius.. but hey who said I have to side with this statement  on a matter regarding  my own bedroom as well?

In my opinion a clatter bedroom is the sign of receiving  a very poor and cheap service by CNS.

Your choice to decide based on the following pictures.

Would you like to see more of my world?

Beside sharing the restroom and everything else with Mr. R when I run  the risk of being knocked down again in a flip coin... it sounds like leaving in a prison together with a dangerous inmate that has to be watched 24 hours a day.

And in fact it came to this matter dear CNS.

I clean for him, I wash the dishes, I clean the floor and everything for him. 
Right now I am his little house keeper.. thank you CNS for such a wonderful pairing.

I can feel your irony in the decision that CNS has taken thus far.

Besides the little clatter apartment  623 is always cold freezing as the other one like it to be cold.
It should be set to 70 rather than 68 it is normally set to.

Well let's go to a blimp of normality from my little messy world.

Yesterday I went to the gym as it was my day to do Cycle with Angie. She is the funny lady with the red bandanna at my right hand side.

I had a lot of fun. Afterward I had time to do body pump with Silvia, she is the lady at my left hand side with the microphone.

While there  I met Larry and Janice as well, they brought me a blue water bottle.

I can fill it with some cranberry juice and Vodka as Larry always jokes about it :)

At the gym I met the usual people, among them I met Yolanda , she is a nice lady with dark hair. I also met Pete he is a very nice athletic guy that has been taking over Angie a few weeks back when she was involved in a car wrack.

As our kids are in Summer break, they are all going to summer camp with Simona at Caltech University. Over there they are involved in all sort of fun activities and they meet a  lot of friends from their life.
Yesterday I have received a new pair of nail scissor as the one I had got misplaced with the move to the latest and greatest apartment.

Enjoy the vita loca at CNS..

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