Thursday, June 18, 2015

June 18 2015

Gosford Road is undergoing construction.
The asphalt is being repaved and the circulation is very slow.

There are delay back and forth.

This condition will last for a few months.

Yesterday evening  our kiddos were at home  waiting for their  Piano lesson with Litz. 
They are always busy and Anna is making sure they maintain a good rhythm  of life.

I had a good light dinner mostly a fresh salad with veggy.

After dinner I had time to make a couple of good things for my kids.

I prepared a  train drawing for Lapo (Lapolino). A good letter for both Chicco and Lapo.

I sent this picture to Anna my wonderful mother in law to show it to our kiddos.

Both Chicco and Lapo liked it. Lapo mentioned that my drawing was too complicated for him to copy. He asked me the next drawing to be of a dog. 

Anna mentioned that it should be of a very simple drawing so that he can copy it. 

I will work on it today.

Because the road to the gym currently very slow (see above)  it was a good time for me to swim. 

While  I was going to swim both Chicco and Lapo called me to wish me a good day and to tell me about they activities for the day. They were about to start their piano lesson with Liz.
 They are very adorable kiddos. 

As the temperature was really high I was happy by swimming for about 45 minutes .

It is a good start. I like doing any kind of sport.
I have always liked doing sport. It is because of my good physical conditions that I am still around to write to you. Physical exercise works wonderful on my body, it also stimulate my pituitary gland to produce the much needed growth hormone.

Finally at 7pm it was time for me to go back. It is normally the time I  am leaving any sport activities to go back to the apartment.
I had a good shower and finally a Piadina as a late evening snack.

Simona was with me as well.

I slept well and of course Jose checked on me. I am used to the night supervisor checking on me as it is his duty to do so.

This morning I wake up early as usual and got a good breakfast. 

Oatmeal flakes, blueberry, kefir, milk and coffee.

I sent a message to Matteo. He is Andrea's and Elena's son.
Andrea is Simona's brother.

They all leave is Brussels, Belgium
Andrea works a the European Community as a functionary.

They are all very happy leaving in Belgium.

Andrea is quite often traveling around the world because of his work.

Today  is his Matteo's birthday. Matteo is turning  five.

I sent him a not in Italian as I was told that Matteo now speaks Italian as well. 

This is the Happy Birthday note to Matteo. 

Caro Matteo
Anna mi ha detto che stai imparando l'italiano.
Ti mando una seconda volta gli auguri di Buon Compleanno questa volta in Italiano.
I tuoi cugini americani stanno tutti bene.

Chicco e Lapo sono in summer break e La nonna Anna si sta occupando di loro.
Un po' di compiti, pianoforte, esercizi vari.
Sono sempre impegnati.
Continuano ad andare a Taekwondo e a fare tennis  e nuoto.
Un grandissimo augurio da parte di tutti noi.
Anna, Simona Chicco, Lapo e Giuseppe

Un abbraccio ad Andrea e Elena
Sent from my iPhone

Simona called me earlier this morning and she just sent me an email as well.
She is attending a large conference in Minneapolis. It is the American Meteorological Society meeting. 

Simona is  a wonderful person  both in her private life and in her work. 

She balances every obligation with grace and with wisdom. 

She manages to keep up our household and our family as a sole breadwinner of the house.

I am very  proud of her capabilities, I have always  been  very proud of her good sense.

Enjoy the reading.
It is lunch time.

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