Monday, June 29, 2015

Monday June 29

On Friday I went to the gym to do Zumba with Caroline. She is the lady in black, the lady in pink is Salvia

On Saturday morning I cleaned everything.
towels, my clothes, my bed and my bathrobe.

 Folded away everything neatly.

At 11 am I went to do grocery shopping at Trader Joe's. 

It was Ashley' s last day. She is moving to Oregon.

Ashley is the girl at my left hand side. Next to her is Tabi. Her son Dante is doing great.

I spent $103.80, clearly eating healthy and well has its own price tag.

Before leaving I snapped a picture with both Candace and Lacey.

Finally after tagging everything and putting it away
I wrote to my family and made a drawing for Lapo.

As he is in Europe I made an airplane to him.
It is Lapo Airline...

In the afternoon I went to see TED2 movie

A very nice movie, I have really enjoyed it and had a good time.

Over there I snapped a picture of Inez -always happy to see me.

On Sunday morning 
I wrote another letter to my family. Also I prepared a drawing for Lapo about the movie I saw the day before.

At 11 am I did recycle. On Stockdale Hwy near El Pollo Loco.
I made $1.25 and Yadira drove us there.

Later I also  went to the gym.

She is Charity always happy to see me working out over there.
Jerry is the guy in the background.

I did my own program. I like it more than anything.

stepper level 7 for 30 minutes
abdominal 3x40 kg
leg extension 3x30 kg
Legs 2x80kg plus 1x100kg.

I had dinner with 3 scrambled eggs,a rich salad and a banana.

Finally I went to church and Alex drove us to S.Francis church.
It was the last day for Amparo and Mark. They are husband and wife singing at church.

The priest spoke the following sermon;
Hope is an attitude. We live a life of hope.
Trust God, he speaks to us trough Jesus Christ.
Do not be afraid. Just have faith.

I greeted James today and kidded with the whole crew as usual

This morning I went to kid the the maintenance crew, had a good time as usual and snapped my usual daily picture with them.

The boys are in Belgium, Brussels.
This is Lapo

This is Chicco

Chicco is  plying Table Soccer over there.

We all have our own players to pivot.
Mine are not as cute as Chicco's one.

Have a good day.

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