Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tuesday June 23 2015

First of all, this morning I went to the reception and filed a complaints for the conditions of the apartment.
Steve is really a person that needs a lot of redirection, does not shower that often. It also appears to me he does not change clothes quite often.

Not that it is of my pertinence but he eats a lot of bad food .. as I said it does not concern me at all his diet. Let it eat all he wants and let he eat so he can get even bigger and bigger.

I am paired with a person like Steve?

So here is my humble complaint form to CNS.

Obviously as it is a written out, I am waiting for a written answer.

Anyway this morning I greeted the Maintenance guys: Jarron, Chain and James.
As always we took a daily picture pretending me to write an email to Simona.

Earlier I had my lovely breakfast: Toasted Oatmeal Flakes, milk, blueberry and Blueberry Kefir.

I called back home Simona, I talked to the whole family: Chicco, Lapo and Simona.
They are going to leave today on a trip overseas.
They will be gone for a month.
The first stop of this trip is in Brussels, Belgium to visit  Andrea and his family.
He is Simona's brother. As mentioned before he works at the European Commission over there. He has a 5 years old son Matteo. 
So Simona will be for a week in Belgium with the boys.
Finally after this stop she is going to take the boys to Rome, Italy  where Simona's mom leaves.
Everybody in Rome is waiting for the arrival of the boys.
As mentioned before they will be enjoying a bit of Italian style summer.
This means they will be having an Italian  family environment that supports them.
They will be going to the Lido ( the Italian seaside), eat gelato (Italian Ice-cream) and a lot of other amenities that the summer time brings to the Italian people.

In my cramped little apartment (the milk glass is not mine) I have been writing to Chicco and Lapo in English and block letters, and making a drawing to Lapo. As he is going to Italy and over there it is one of the goal to get as much Gelato (Italian Ice cream) as possible.

Matteo and Camilla letters.

On Saturday I did Grocery Shopping at a Trader Joe's.

I spent $91.85 got stickers and ticket for the raffle. 
As well got picture with Chloe and Ashley.

Ashley is the girl on light blue T-shirt at my left hand side.

She is Kenvas

After Grocery Shopping I went to eat with Simona, the boys and Anna at California Pizza Kitchen.

Lapo wanted a grilled cheese Sandwich and the waiter was so kind to make it one for him off the menu list.
Chicco got Mac & Cheese. 

I had  Tuscan Humus, Halibut, Quinoa Arugola Salad with Simona.
A drink I had a fresh Stawberry, Mango cooler.
Delicious indeed.

Finally the kids had their Sundae as well.
I kidded with Lapo and made him Bunny hears!

As we were at the Mall Simona took the chance to browse at Banana Republic Shop.
She got a few presents for her friends in Italy.

At the following day it was Father's day, my kid brought me the following drawing.
I am sure Anna has something to do with it.

The drawing represents our family.

Lapo - our youngest is Prince and Knight. Chicco our eldest is Prince as well.

It was finally then time for me to go to the movie.

I saw a nice movie by Disney and Pixar. 
A cartoon called Inside out.
It talks about the importance of the long lasting memories that are so much building our own personality.

I really have enjoyed the movie and the story line.

At the movie theater I greeted Morgana and as usual snapped a picture of her activities.

I greeted Roger as well.

Finally I asked Morgana if she had a couple of little toys for my kiddos. 
She looked around and she came up with two little toys shaped like one of the character from the movie.

While at the movie theater I met Alex and his girlfriends. They were there with their little boy who is now 6 years old. Alex mentioned that the whole family is going on a vacation to the Cyclades (Greek island) where they are going to have a weeding. God Bless you Alex.

On Sunday morning Simona mentioned that they were up and running and ready to go the Church at S.Bede in La Canada.

I spent my time writing a letter to my mom in Italy

And I wrote as well to my kiddos (In English and Block letters). 
I sent it to Rome, Italy. It was addressed To Anna-Simona's mom.
It will be there by the time the kids are finally be in Rome.

On Sunday I went to the gym, my favorite place.
She is Charity always happy to see me over there.

This is my weight last Sunday 186 pounds.

At the gym I had my own program to follow:

Elliptical Stepper :2 mile, level 7, 30 minutes
Abdominal crunch 3x30lb
Leg press 3x70lb
Leg Extensipon 3x30 kg

All good.

After the gum it was time for me to go to church.
Father Bartholomew was celebrating.
God loves us in the crucial steps of our life.
God allows bad things happening to good people.
We have to let taking care of things by God and to trust Him.

On Monday I had a visit with Dr. Stephen Newbrought the family physician of CNS.

I have to confess I was taken back by his lack of organization and lack  of record keeping.
All my records were piles in a thick folder made by paper. Obviously the modern technology of Database on electronics has not been implemented yet at CNS.

Yesterday evening I have been swimming for about a hour.
Swimming is a far a compliment as the swimming pool is really tiny and clearly undersized.
I do not appreciate it at all.
Obviously CNS is not doing enough regarding this matter.

Anyway time to eat..

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