Sunday, October 5, 2014

Chef Batali Sunday evening posting

Well, let's admit there is little distance between me and Chef Batali. We certainly share the same country of origin and the same passion for food. I am sure that soon or later Sarah is going to set up a TV show for me as well. It is going to be a big and fantastic production, together with Renee we can make it work big time.

Mole with chicken things rolled on scramble bread, seasoned with orange juice and orange peel.
I made it enough for a couple of time.
Well Chez Batali is certainly a good Italian Eatery, where the mouth waters a lot and the eyes are fulfilled by all the wonderful invention of the human brain.
A word of caution is in order.
Chez Batali is a alcohol free environment.
Let's keep it that way, so that Batali can stay in business for a bit longer.
Do you agree with this policy?
Batali certainly has made it his own mantra behind the stove.
Enjoy the reading.
Giuseppe aka Chef Batali

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