Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday October 2 2010

a couple of useful and important items on my plate.
Simona my wife send me a new bath robe. Today I have washed it and dried in my apartment. So it is ready for me to use.

Second NPR radio has responded to my inquiry about the quality of the reception on my phone.
It has recommended me to delete and to re install the apps, this is what I am doing right now.

This morning Jesenia came to my apartment to make sure I was OK. So She snapped this picture of my smiling face, with Simona my wife and Sarah, my wonderful Case Manager.

my breakfast was reach and healthy as usual. Simona my wife left early this morning as she had to take the kids to La Canada school before going to Caltech University at her daily job.

Chicco is attending IV grade of Elementary school, while Lapo is in Kindergarten.

My breakfast is pictured her below.

At the CNS center I have been working today on my CR (it is PT for the mind as Sarah always is telling me). Erica was following my progress and telling me at large indication what to do. Erica is a real good person and she has a nice Prius Car. Her car plate is "I'd rather be in Rino".. which is pretty funny!. We always joke about this phrase.
 After PT I have been running on the treadmill.  I have been starting smoothly and then I have been accelerating up to 5.4...

My wonderful Case Manager Sarah knows that she makes me happy whenever I run on the treadmill.

So I  did my best this morning. Always by following all the safety requirement of the gym
Of course today my PT therapist was Nick. Nick is a really good person. 
I gave me a few tips initially and now he knows he can let me go independently. He trust me in doing a good job.

While at the center I left on Sarah's desk a nice image for her youngest son Ian. 
As we are approaching Halloween I left her this little pumpkin image I found on today's newspaper.  

I can go back to my activities of yesterday 
Yesterday it was Wednesday and I had cycle with Angie at the 24 fitness  gym.
Angie is always cheerful and ready to do her best. She is always happy to see me working out over there.

At the gym I met Pete, Richard, Georgia and Ramon. All the people from the local community.

Here is me showing off my enthusiasm before leaving.

While at the gym Dee Dee did my coverage so she is acknowledged. 

Well, it is time for me to go,
Enjoy the reading,

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