Saturday, October 11, 2014

Saturday November 11 lunch time

Already, second time this posting is up as the first one crashed the computer.
As they say "Repetitat iuvant" .. oh yes they say many things along this line.
This morning I took care of the apartment by changing my bed and washing all the linen. Folding away everything and preparing my sport bag for next Monday.
After taking care of the house and of my personal staff I went to Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's.

Over there as usual I had a lot of fun.
The salient moments of fun of the day were as following:
I brought flowers to everybody particularly to Jamie. She is pictured her next to me in green. I am the guy with the Caltech hat wearing a blue polo on the top of a green T-shirt. You see the green connection?

We chatted about our own family.Jamie told me that she went to Magic Mountain with her family. She also inquired about my family and she told me that I am a very popular customer at that store location. I am always  having a lot of fun with the overall crew.
Well as I had little money today I was careful in buying very little and the cheapest item on the store.
As a result I was able to contain my bill to $61.21. One of the lowest of the several months.
Well Jamie mentioned to me that I am the best customer over there as I am connecting deeply with all the employees. I believe in seeing the human face of the people working at the store. So I have always time to talk about their families and to share with them the happening of my family.
As usual as I brought the reusable bags Simona's number got entered in the raffle.
Finally I have also got stickers for Ian. Ian is the youngest son of Sarah my wonderful Case Manager here at CNS.

As customary, I will leave on her desk this Monday. It is a small gesture of kindness to show my gratitude and respect to her

While shopping at the store Simona -my wife- called me as she was at a soccer game with the boys.
This morning each of the boys had a  soccer game. I am sure they all have done their best.
I don't have any picture to show it to you as Simona never sends me any picture of what is happening to her or to our boys for that token.
So here we go..let's move on ..

Finally I had lunch. A good maccaroni pasta with ragu. On the right hand side in the big bowl I have prepared a wonderful spinach salad with cucumber, tomatoes, Chia  seeds and finally finally... a cubed apple!
I guarantee to you it is a wonderful match .. as  I told you many time being able to prepare some tasty food 

requires passion, imagination and fun
This is the real mix in life for doing anything productive and good.

If you don't have either of these ingredient you feel empty and unable to enjoy any of the activities that you are doing. I am enjoying all the activities I am doing as I have always  been enjoying all my activities.
Particularly when I see both my daughter and my daughter in law, I always have a lot to tell them and have a blast by simply staying with them. As they are both very busy I seldom see them together but they come down here as much as they can given their schedule. They often call me to chat and we tell each other  all the things that are going on during the day together with the little secrets of life....

Well, I am one of the few lucky ones that is able to enjoying life in whatever is happening around.
The secret? Well I like to connect with my community here in Bakersfield. 
The community surrounding me is composed by the persons I consider to be my peer in the local community. This is why I cherish my privacy from the others patient at CNS, and I like to be respected in my boundaries. I guess you all understand what I am saying with this statement. 
I appreciate that you all are doing your best to work with me on this matter.

Well to move on tonight is movie night. I am planning to see Gone Girl with Ben Affleck.
Robert has recommended me to watch it as he saw it the other day and mentioned to me that it is a good movie. So tonight is Gone Girl night.
Well I will let you know, according to the trailer it is going to be a good movie.

Enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed writing to you.

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