Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday October 20

Already, it is a wonderful Tuesday morning in Bakersfield, the weather is fine not too hot neither too cold. I am wearing a full sport suit as I have had yoga today.

Let me go back to yesterday salient activities.

I went to the 24 fitness gym. Lisa did my coverage over there.

Lisa is a very nice NRS at the clinic and she is doing everything right, We work well as a team, she does everything right so we are an effective team of people working together.

This is me before entering my Yoga class at the 24 fitness gym.

I had a good Yoga class with Erica, she is pictured in black next to me. I am the one with the hat.
Many poses for yoga mimics the ones we use here at the clinic.

I then had time to do cycle with Lolita and as my coverage was over It was time for me to return to the apartment. Whenever it is time to leave in the middle of the class Lolita tells me to leave the bike where it stands.
I asked Lolita whether she is an instructor at the gym as a profession, she smiled and she told me that she does it for fun as otherwise the gym does not pay her bills !!

Before leaving however Jessica showed up to wave me  good bye. Jessica is the lady with a red shirt next to me (I am the guy with the glass and the hat). She graciously smiled and posed for taking a picture with me.

I then returned to the apartment and prepared for the night.
Shower, snack, meds and bed.

This morning I wake up early as usual.
Got my breakfast... here pictured below

Berta came to check on my meds and on me and as a result I asked her if she could please snap a picture of me holding my family on the left hand and holding a picture of Sarah my Case Manager on the left.

At the clinic I did with Erica-sama CR (it is PT for the mind). We went to the local Starbucks.
We went there  with Tali a therapist  from the clinic. 
While at Starbucks we bumped into Megan and her mom. Megan is a NRS that works here at CNS.

Afterward it was time for my Yoga session with Amy. I did.
Tina our yoga teacher is always smiling and working hard with us.
As usual I have brought stickers for her two daughters: Olivia and Madison.
Olivia is 4 while Madison is 6. They both are very active and nice girls.
Today Amy brought me some nice hart craft from her daughters:

I have received a nice bracelet and a small drawing from the both of them.I have been receiving a lot of hart work from Amy's daughters, All very simple and nice  thoughts.

This is a picture of my presents from this morning. 

Well enjoy the reading as it is time for me to go.

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