Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday October 23

Already the salient facts of Yesterday are represented by these pictures

My RTC Renee as promised had maintenance to fix my dishwasher.
So thank you Renee. I checked with James yesterday and he mentioned that the appliance was covered by the warranty. So now it works and it is SPLENDID!

Yesterday there was the Halloween Party at the apartment so I took the chance of going there and to have fun. I met many people working here at CNS together with their family. 
Daniel mentioned to me that his family was here attending the party. So I reached for them and then we had the chance of snapping a picture together. I am the guy with the blue hat. Daniels' family his as following : his  sister Briana is at my left side while his  mom Lucy with a violet dress and older sister  Amanda with long blonde hair are at my left.

They all were happy to see me and I was very happy to meet the whole family.
Briana mentioned that she always busy working and right now she has enrolled in an on-line college ( Kaplan college). Briana is always on the move and trying to do better and that is a quality that I like on her personality. I have no doubt that she is going to do well on whatever en devour the decide to take upon.

I have purchased dinner over there and then tickets for the raffle on Simona's behalf. And I was one of lucky one to be selected.  As I was  leaving the party I said thank you to Sara - the activity coordinator at CNS- and she mentioned to me that my number got extracted so I won a price for my kids and Simona. Before leaving I have also asked if I could pick up a pumpkin balloon for Lapo our youngest kids.

I have gladly participated to the CNS carnival. I met every body from the center.
Chris- the Director of CNS- Laurent his daughter sang a nice folk song and played guitar.

I met Nick ( the son of Mark the founder) and Lindsey his wife. I also met Nick's daughter. She is a 2 years old pumpkin -  and she is a very energetic little kids. Nick was running  around to make sure she was well taken care of.

Yesterday Leila had soccer practice- like Lapo our youngest son- so Dustin could not make it.

This morning I had a very good  CR session with Tali, then a very nice PT session. Nick is my therapist today, II snapped a picture of my work and sent it to him by email. I run smoothly and happy to run.. It is good for my balance and stamina..

I saw Sarah - my wonderful Case Manager and greeted her very grateful for her to be always on my side.

My family is also standing by me, as I am getting better and more independent they all have a job to do, Simona is busy at school while our two kids are busy at school.
Lapo now 6 and Chicco now 9 are both going to LCE ( La Canada Elementary School)
Well my job is get better and to move ahead in my recovery.m Just a few months.
Don't worry.

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