Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday October 15

Already, let's go back to my salient activities of yesterday.

I wrote a letter to Chicco and a small drawing for Lapo.
As usual when I write to Chicco it is in English and block letter.
I like writing positive and encouraging letters to the boys.It is a gesture of kindness that makes me feel connected to them all.

Writing letters is a lost habit in today's world. I am sure when they will grow up they will cherish my thinking of them.

After ward It was time to go for hair cut. I went with other patients at Supercut. Kacey did a good job and now I have a good and short cut.

I like it this way as it is easier to dry in the morning.

At Supercut they told me that the last cut I had was about three months ago. So you see my hair grow fast.

Already today I had CR ( as Sarah calls it, this is PT for the mind), Afterward I had Yoga with Amy. I was the only one at Yoga and we did a lot of new flexibility work.
Amy is a really good teacher. She is strong, very smiling and very calm.  Whenever I have Yoga with her I normally brings  something for Olivia and Madison her two daughters. It is a small gesture of appreciation for Amy's family,
When I have time at the apartment I write a nice letter to the both of them. Or when I have little time I simply bring stickers for them. Amy appreciates it and she is telling me that her daughters are going to enjoy my gift. I would do the same with my two son. So it is a win win situation.
A mutual gesture of kindness.
As I mentioned to Amy I started doing Yoga at the 24 fitness gym on Monday as the schedule of my class has changed. Last time I did yoga with Erica the yoga teacher. She was happy to see me attending her class.

Switching to my family, I called home and found that both Chicco and Lapo are at home. Chicco is 9 years old and Lapo is 5 and a half. They both attend school at La Canada Unified Distrcit  (LCE).
They were home as they have Collaboration Day.

Sarah my wonderful Case Manager confirmed that Students  are sent at home whenever they have  Collaboration Day. This is a Parent Teacher conference so the kids are sent home earlier whenever this happens/

Overall we are all well. CNS is really doing his best for everybody and specifically I feel that all CNS is making a special effort for me. So in return I am making a special effort for CNS as gesture of appreciation and as a sign of gratitude for everybody.
You see God the almighty as granted me the capability of getting better and stronger.
And it is time for me to give back what I have received.
Well enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed writing to you all.
Thank you  CNS and Sarah, of course Simona mon amour you are always in my heart.
Baci a te
Aur revoir

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