Friday, October 31, 2014

Friday October 31

I had a wonderful Pre Halloween present from Renee my RTC.

I have received a second knife to use in the kitchen. 

I have use it to make salsa alla Norma sauce for my gnocchi.
In the sauce I cut my eggplant and mixed it with some red sauce. Finally I dressed it  with Parmesan cheese. 

Afterward I went to the 24 fitness gym  where I had a great time.
Here is me just entering the gym.

At the gym I greeted Jessica who showed me her smile.. she was dressed as Marry Poppins.
She had the time for snapping a picture with me..

I had a chance to greet Frank the current Manager as Naomi has left and she went back to teach at school.

I  danced Zumba with Mike. Mike is the guy with the Superman costume on this picture.

After Zumba I started doing cycle with Lolita.. and after a while It was time for me to go back to the apartment as my coverage was over. As I left Lolita greeted me by saying thank you Joseph - see you next time and leave the bike there..
You see Lolita knows me very well as well. This is an old picture of Lolita, she is the lady at my right hand side and I am the one with the hat.

At the gym I went with Diego Rivera .Diego is his real name while  Rivera is the name that I am using to remember him.

Yesterday while at Zumba I lost the phone call of my wife Simona.. it is OK she knows I am fine and I know she is  doing well.  I will call her at lunch time anyway. I let her know than I was fine so that she does not worry too much about me.

Simona was busy doing her Zumba at a different gym than mine... 

Simona is a wonderful creature and she is always giving 100% for the family, she is very busy with our two bambini: Chicco is 9 and Lapo is 5.5. They are both going to LCE. Chicco is in IV grade while Lapo the youngest is in Kindergarten.
They are both very good kids, full of energy and always ready to be kids. Simona is moving along very well in keeping boundaries with their items. Normally at home our eldest Chicco ends up helping out a lot in keeping the balance in the family. Lapo the youngest is always Lapo: a young bambino that needs a lot of attention.

This morning  I had a very good breakfast today as usual..I enjoyed my time getting ready to come to work.

At the clinic I had a very good chat with Don my Counselor he mentioned that he would like to talk to Sarah - my Case Manager - about a couple of items. I trust very much the both of them. 
They both have my best  interest when it comes to this matter. I am working to my Education - this implies my own blog completed with these many pictures..

I need to go.. Enjoy the reading..
As usual thank you Sarah, Simona, CNS and everybody

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