Saturday, October 4, 2014

October 4th S. Francis posting

Alright today is S.Francis day. The name day - Onomastico -of our eldest son Francesco

This is a picture of S.Francis that is the protector of our son.

Today I have cleaned the whole apartment. Vacuumed  and washed the floor.

Changed my bed and did a couple of washing loads, then folded away everything.
I have also cleaned the restroom as I like to stay in a clean and perfumed environment.
I snapped a picture of my breakfast.

After breakfast I went to do Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's. Christi was driving the bus today. So my thank you note goes to Christi.
Over there I brought flowers to every body and the response from the whole community has been really positive as usual.
Jamie was happy to see me as usual (her daughter Delaney, son Logan and husband Logan are all fine)

Jamie is the lady standing in between Tracy on my far right and me ( I am the guy with the hat).

Here is me again popping my head for fun.

As I had time I wrote to Sara my wonderful case manager a thank you note. Also Stickers for her youngest son  Ian were secured during my grocery shopping. It is a small gesture of gratitude to Sarah.

As usual at Trader Joe's I had a lot of fun. Jamie  confirmed to meas always  that whenever I go there they have run out of beer. Today in talking about this funny story a customer over heard the conversation and laughed with us.
Today Yesterday it was Michelle anniversary. She turned  30 years old. Dustin went with Michelle and  to celebrate at a Basque Restaurant. I am sure the evening was very pleasant.

yesterday  at the clinic Clara ( a CR therapist I am working with) told me that her eldest daughter is going to drive soon.
CR is PT for the mind, as Sarah always points out to me it corresponds to Physical therapy for the brain.
yesterday I did my vest by scoring 70/97 and I have done my best.
I will be out of touch for tomorrow as  I will be going home for one day. Our home is in La Canada.
Enjoy the reading.

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