Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday October 6 posting

Alright, today is October the 6th or as I call it  Peugeot 106 day.

Having said it, let me go back to my activities of the brief and intense weekend

On Saturday evening Simona came to pick me up and we went to have dinner with Bob, Raffaella at their Berverly Glen home.
There we met with Stefano and Jen,

Bob is the guy busy in the kitchen of this picture. During the day he is a Full Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Caltech. Also he is a very proficient chef.

During the dinner we had the opportunity to meet our usual friends: 

Stefano is a full professor of Computer Science at UCLA and is the guy with a red polo of the picture below.

Jen  is Stefano wife and she works in a creative company for virtual software for kids. Here she is smiling, They have two sons: Renzo and Dario. They are very good friends of our kids.

In this picture Lapo our youngest kids is holding my watch and he is being a good little boy.

We were on our way to S.Bede church in La Canada where Chicco our eldest had his monthly catechism. Stefany was the person who was in charge of the day. She was happy to see the whole family attending the daily mass over there.
As we went to church in La Canada yesterday I did not go to church in Bakersfield as well.

As we were on our way to Bakersfield we grabbed a pizza on the go. It is called Blaze pizza

It is a very good and satisfyingly pizza, very quick service, and certainly ,more affordable than a full dinner at a pizzeria.

Before leaving I snapped this picture of Chicco our eldest.

This morning at the clinic I first left a nice letter to Sarah with some stickers for her youngest son  Ian. 
She was busy so I put the envelope under her door.
At the clinic I had my PT at first, I run smoothly and happily. 
Andrea was in charge of my PT therapy this morning.

The second therapy of the day was going to the local Starbucks with Zeina to do CR. As Sarah says this is PT for the mind. And in fact I did my best.

Finally I had meditation with Matt. I like doing mediation as it keeps the mind still on one particular thoughts. Mediation is really good for one's body as it has many benefit associate to it.

Finally I had lunch. I made Mole... Italian version.

At lunch  I called home and found Lapo our youngest that was eating at home as he comes home at noon.

He mentioned he was having a good lunch. Also the boys are going to Taekwon do this afternoon.
I will be going to the gym to do Kickboxing.
You see we are all organized on a very similar clock.

Tomorrow the boys are going to rest from sport and will have their piano lesson.
Enjoy the reading.

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