Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday October 13 Columbus Day posting

Already yesterday evening I had a delicious staffed pepper that I have been preparing. I staffed it with cooked Basmati Jasmine rice, with ground beef and crumble bread. A bit of dressing like salt, pepper and Parmesan cheese have been added to provide flavor to the whole filling.

I had dinner by thinking about  the phrase Panta Rhei, that is Everything flows as they use to say ancient  philosophers in  Greece.

Of course a glass of beer... actually now that I am thinking it is a glass of tea..went by with dinner.

In the early afternoon  I did recycle at the recycle center and did a good action for the environment. Afterward I snapped this picture of the recycle center.
Kyle drove us to the this activities.

Afterward in the evening I  went to the local church at S.Francis in H street.

The church had a lot of people as the attendance from the local community is always vivid.

Mark drove the bus and we arrived early so that I had time to get a good place on the front seat and have a moment of reflection before the mass would start.

At church I sat next to Coral and her family. She has a 19 years daughters, then a 14 years boy an 11 years daughter and  a 7 year boy, It is a large family but she always looks to me to be able to handle everything.

Coral was expecting me and she was happy to see me over there. As always she greeted me with  a smile and " see you next week Joseph". Coral is a very nice person and she clearly care about her family. I am always happy to meet her and to seat next to her in the front row,

At church I have also greeted Mark and Amparo, the couple playing music and singing at the quire during the mass.

After ward we came back to the apartment.

This morning I had a nice breakfast as the picture below.

At the clinic I gave a nice letter to Sarah my Case Manager with some sticker for her youngest son.
I am mentioning to everybody that Sarah is doing a great job so that everybody knows about her great capabilities.
I need to rush to the next therapy session.
Please enjoy this Columbus day..

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