Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Wednesday October 22 2014

Yesterday at the apartment I have prepared a nice letter and a drawing for Madison and Olivia.
They are Amy's  daughters, the Yoga teacher here at CNS.
We got into the habit of  exchanging little presents out of our heart.

It is something I do with a lot of personal satisfaction,.. beside Amy likes it very much. 
I would be doing the same with my two sons.

Yesterday afternoon I went to the gym as I had no personal shopping to do..

Here is me at the entrance taking a picture with Melissa.. she knows me well, so she gladly snapped a picture with me..

Yesterday it was bootcamp day with Johnny. Bootcamp is a good  set of oversize like  jumping and equilibrium that  is good for me to do.  Beside I met all the people that I am accustomed to, we are mutually helping each other.

Before coming to the clinic James snapped this little picture of me. It is a funny pumpkin face! At the apartment they are getting ready for pumpkin time ..everybody is working hard.

At  the apartment the maintenance crew composed by James, Caesar, Jarron  and  Brad are always make me laugh and they do their best to make the beginning  of my day starts with a smile.
I appreciate their good humor, buddyness  and effort.

This morning I  worked on my therapy and found out that I can use emails and electronic document in order to be green.. This morning I email my work to Michelle from CR (it took me a while to get her email right, but finally it now stored in my electronic contact list).

I had Yoga with Amy- as mentioned to you I brought for her two daughters a thank you note.
She told me that her daughters' costume is as following:
Madison ( her 11 years  old) is going to be a sea queen and Olivia (her 4 years old) is going to be a butterfly.
Amy mentioned that she has to prepare the costumes for her daughters.
At lunch I called home and found Lapo - our youngest- he comes home to have lunch everyday.
He was happy to hear from me and Marina our very trusted nanny was with him.
Lapo is 5.5 years old and going strong.
Chicco our eldest is 9 years old.
They are both going to LCE.

It is time for me to leave
Please enjoy your day.

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