Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wednesday October 19 2014

It is a wonderful Wednesday Fall morning here in Bakersfield temperature are relatively  warm. It is expected to be about between 60 and 80 F.
Let's go back to my day yesterday.
It was a Tuesday and I as I had no Personal Shopping to do I went to the 24 fitness gym instead. Yesterday it was boot-camp with Johnny. As he was not around the class was self assembled and led by Renee. Renee is the lady at my left hand side of this picture. She clearly has a talent for fitness.

Afterward I started to do Zumba with Mike. I have enjoyed the Zumba dance as my wife Simona tells me always she does Zumba at a different gym meaning that she takes care of the family and she has a formidable job at Caltech... in fact she is an Assistant Professor of Atmospheric Science over there. 
Simona is always tired as she has a lot on her plate right now.

After Zumba I had a shower then a snack and finally I went to sleep.
Before going to bed  I kissed good night to my family

Then I slept like a baby.

This morning I woke up early as usual, got ready for my day  and had a good breakfast.

I then took care of the the trash, greeted James who had an Elvis Presley dress - I asked him to sing a song appropriate to his costume and he did a quite good job. I greeted Jaron who was working hard as usual.

Finally I jumped into the van driven by Jemena, wished her a god day with a daisy..
You know me I am the one that distribute flowers to all of you..
At the clinic I did my CR first ( PT for the mind) and the following three items

1) Parrot Program, settings 6 Letter 3 second, 
                                                                 Results:  80%  Av.response time 12.7

2) Deductive Reasoning level 8, 
                                                    Results 92% response time 29.4

3) Cause and effect level 8.
Results 93%, response time 11

I have finally did Yoga with Amy. She is really a good teacher. She has two daughters Madison 10 and Olivia 4. 

Madison wrote to me this letter and drove this picture for me. 

Amy mentioned that her daughters changed their plan for Halloween.
Olivia would like to be Queen Elsa from Frozen  while Madison would like to be a Sea Queen.
It is alright, it is going to give more work for me to do on their behalf.

  It is time to go now, I am sure our two kids are working on their costumes as well.
Lapo (5.5) is focusing on being a Ninja. Chicco (9) our eldest is going to be Death Dark More from Star Wars.
Well enjoy the reading it is time to go.

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