Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday October 30

Alright, as usual I am working from my office at CNS.
The most interesting fact is that there are things that work and things that does not work. In reality the latter are not essential for an modern office that relies more and more on electronic format and less and less on paper... more ecological and less expensive as well.

Yesterday it was Wednesday and as every Wednesday I went to the gym.

Over there I greeted Frank the current Manager and Jessica. She is the lady with a red shirt next to me ( I am the gentleman  with the Caltech hat)

 It was the day for my cycle class with Angie. She was really happy to see me over there and she helped me position my bike in front of her. I had a lot of fun. At the gym I met Gloria, Damian, Richard, Tigi and  Dee who is finally back. She mentioned she had too much work to come to the gym.

Angie is the lady with a pink Shirt at my left hand side.

I then started doing Body pump with Serena and it was time for me to go back.
Kristy did my coverage at the gym. Afterward we came directly back at the apartment as it was a cold  evening we agreed not to stop along the way to have a cold long neck.. you see it has been  good that way...

I came back to the apartment got a hot shower a snack and a warm milk.
Today at the clinic I had already a lot of fun. I worked on the CNS blog with a bit of poetic freedom  with Michelle. She acknowledged stoically my work.
I then moved on to my PT, my favorite part of the day..
Running.. I run smoothly and  steadily with long and firm strides.

As I am getting stronger and steadier I am able to do more by myself.. 

I was independent on my PT and I had to let Nick - my PT Therapist know - about my work so that he could record it on his logbook.

I also met Sarah my Case Manager right after running and kidded with her on where I would be able to find some beer today.. she reminded me to rather drink water.. and so I did it and the my thirst subsided.

I just check with Micheal the Educational Therapist if he had any news about Dustin -he is the other therapist in Education. He mentioned that Dustin is attending a conference somewhere else and that he will be back this Monday at work. Hopefully he is coming back with a nice hair cut as well.
I am working on my blog (it is Independent Education) ..

My family is well,., my former girlfriend confirmed that she is going well. I have been reminded that she has become my wife about 14 years ago... This is why I some time refer to her as my former girlfriend. Well Simona is clearly too busy with everything.. so I am sure she does not mind a bit of wit on this blog of mine. Simona is currently working hard at Caltech. You can find her webpage at this link.
Have a great day everybody

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