Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wednesday October 8 posting

Alright, the most important thing for today is that I was working on a survey about CNS with Sarah. As I was compiling the survey on a tabled the internet connection was lost.

Therefore here is my feedback to Sarah my wonderful Case Manager.

As I mentioned to you all I appreciate very much all the therapies that CNS has been putting together for us patients. I know that Sarah is always doing her best to accommodate my own requests and I would like to acknowledge her work. We learned to take care of each other over these years.
I like to show my appreciation to her and to all the staff as I am open to any feedback that my be coning from Sarah and the NRS.

My RTC -Renee- is also doing a really good job in making sure that I am covered for any request of mine.

Also, all  the CNS staff is working hard for everybody in particular for me I feel a very fortunate person to be able to write to all of you.

Most of the people that got an aneurysm like me never survived it to tell their story. I am one among the few that survived and made it into a profession to get better.

The fact is that I have been supported by a very wonderful wife Simona and by two wonderful children. Chicco now is 9 and Lapo is 5. 5.

Chicco is now attending IV grade and Lapo is attending Kindergarten. They both go to school at the La Canada Elementary School  ( LCE )

I am staying as positive as I can be grateful to God that has been assisting me during these years.

I am doing by best on any time and rather,
Repetition is key in revamping the brain connection that have been broken following an accident.

The other day I saw a very interesting movie about some healthy brain's gang lions working properly compared to the ones that have been damaged.

It was showing the neuroplasticity of the brain. This is a very positive concept used in neuroscience to illustrate   the capacity of restoring those brain path that have been affected by one's accident.            

In helping to get one's better Repetition is the key. That is why many task at CNS appears to have been done already once. Hence it is key to apply one's energy to perform the job at its best.

I have to say that I fully trust Sarah's insight and her attention for every body and in particular for my self.
I am working hard particular in CR which corresponds to PT for the mind. My cognition and processing are among the other two important aspect I need to focus.

I fully rely on Sarah and on all the CNS staff to get better. As I am getting stronger and better I am also moving better and faster. My balance has been improving although I need to pay attention as It is shown in all my PT/Yoga exercise.
I do a lot of movement outside the center, in fact I am going to the gym  almost everyday. On Sunday I am going to church and on Saturday I am going to the movie theater.

Once in a while I am going to Personal Shopping like yesterday I did my purchase for the whole months.
Today I have also brought back to Dustin a hair gel that I have purchased.. I hope that he is going to use it well.

I need to go,
Enjoy the reading.
Thank you Sarah and all the CNS.

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