Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday October 10 2014

Already,yesterday night my mom sent me an encouraging email mentioning that she thinks about me when she eats alone at home in Verona. She is  telling me that by eating alone with Simona's picture in front of me I am demonstrating to be able to be independent. My mom is encouraging me to keep going with my positive actions.
I take her suggestion as a very positive sign for me. So I would like to start my day this morning  to report my  mom recommendation to me.

Let's go back to my evening.

After therapy as usual I went to the 24 fitness gym  where I had Zumba with Mike. Robert did my coverage:  that is he took we over there from the my apartment and back.

Also he  snapped a picture of me before entering so the light was really good. I am showing my positive emotion for being at the gym.

At the gym entrance Melissa was happy to see me there and to snap a picture with me. She was happy to smile with me. A very positive entrance. 

Afterward I danced Zuma with Mike .. I t is a fun exercise that  makes me feeling well and strong.
Zumba consists on a set of movements with equilibrium move.

At the gym I greeted Jannie. 
She greeted me back  by saying "Hi Joseph!"
 I  saw her baby who is now 9 months old.
I remember seeing her with a big belly before giving birth to her boy.

This means I have been going to the gym for at least 2 years.
Jannie is a very dynamic and happy person and I like to meet her in the community.

Afterward I came back to the apartment and had a soothing  shower. I used my bath robe that Simona sent me a few days back, It is a very nice bath robe. After using it I always dry it in the drier so that it is ready for the next time. I use the" Eco Friendly" set in the drier. 

Finally I had a late night spuntino. A good piadina, a banana and a  glass of ice tea.
With my wife Simona picture in front of me.

Afterward I was able to go to bed.
I slept very well and then wake up early as usual.
This morning Brian greeted me with a lot of enthousism

This morning I had a   my wonderful breakfast  with my family in front of me. Sara -my wonderful Case Manager- is also in the picture next to my Caltech hat.

My hat is from Simona my wife. She is Assistant Professor at Caltech University in Pasadena.
Right now Simona is the head of our household and she is taking care of the house. She is always doing her best and this is what is important in life.

At the clinic I talked with Don my cousellor.
He is a very good person.
Well it is time for me to go,

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