Sunday, October 12, 2014

Sunday October 12 cooking time

Alright, after recycle today I went to do my favorite activities.
Cooking time!
I have prepared Staffed peppers!

I have been boiling some White Basmati Rice and mix it with Ground beef.
I have also added an egg (to glue everything together) and added some crumble bread.

I paid attention to limit the sogginess of the staffing otherwise customers are going to complain about it.
I have spice it up with some salt and ground pepper.
I am sure it is all great.
It is going to cook for about 40 minutes or until ready, the green peppers need to brown a little bit.

For the left over staffing I thought it was a good experiment to add it to a square casserole and to let it cook with the peppers.
I am sure it will be delicious to taste. 
You are all invited for a bite if you can.
Simona is busy with her work today - an important NSF proposal deadline is fast approaching. Mon amour I know you  can do it. So Simona today is focusing on her work while the kids are playing in the other room.
As you are busy I will not disturb you today but if you get hungry at some point there is enough for you as well.
Mon amour it is all for you.
Can you feel my love, respect and appreciation for you courage and strength?

Don't you worry about me OK? Later tonight I am going to S.Francis church.
So please do take your time as I am going to be busy as well...

The dinner smells so good. mon amour..
Would you like a byte as well? You call.
Baci amore mio.
Ma sai che quando sorridi il mondo si ferma a guardare?

I am going to check the oven

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